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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Well, i remember at my cousins house, they have a motorcross bike and acres of land, and when you go on the bike around their land, the dog follows you. However, it likes to get run over. As in, it will purposly lay on the ground as your going along so you can ride over it. It actually got the dog more hyper. Was f**king wierd i tell you. (Y) As for the mowing down kids to avoid the cat, i would read the comments for the video on that site.
  2. See, everyone says that, but why. For the rest of the GMT it's exactly the same as BST except its shitty weather, gets dark at 4, and is generally wank. I hate winter. (Y)
  3. Simon

    Danny Foster Video!

    Stupidly awesome video, let down by one stupid, stupid mistake. Why was the last k of cleanbikes.co.uk on a different line? Why did you not resize the font just that few sizes smaller so it was all on one line? (Y) Riding was f**king impressive though.
  4. I've just e-mailed them. Will update you as i get updated.
  5. Look at me, look at me, attention attention attention! Seriously, why even bother asking if 50inchs is big? You know damn well its big. (Y)
  6. Average is around £1,500 to £2,000. Depending on the car, and the colour of course though. For instance, if you want black, thats easy, theres only one shade of black. However, if you want say, green. They would need to make sure they evenly spray the car, at the right temperature through out to insure that the shade stays the same all over. Its easier doing a whole car as they don't have to match to a previous colour already on the car, but it still isn't a cheap job.
  7. What the f**k did i just witness!? That video was f**king insane. That sidehop onto the metal loading bay which is a good 6/7 inches above bar height was huge. <_< That rolling gap did get boring though, he must of done it a good 11 times. ^_^ That was truely immense.
  8. To be fair though, we didn't 'cause no harm to anyone else. Except Fletch and Scott to the poor, poor women of the campsite. <_< That picnic bench was so funny. ^_^ "Shall we take that picnic bench back with us?" "LETS GO!" :P Camping is 99% of the NASS experience. For instance, 'cause you're only allowed 10minutes on the course at a time, and i only rode it twice, that means i was riding for only 20 minutes over the 3 days. Camping is NASS. Someone should do the sensible thing and e-mail them asking about camping. :P
  9. Ahahaha. How f**king awesome is that? ^_^ "Right lads, get ready to be amazed, i'm going to go up to this rail" "Hmmm, this isn't meant to happen" "COME BACK MR BIKE <_<" :P
  10. You've said that the last 3+ times you said you would "never come to this forum again". Take your own advice, and don't come back again.
  11. What? He's a child because he won't smoke weed? It sounds like sir, that you need to get f**ked. Commiting bad crimes isn't cool, and you certainly shouldn't encourage it. A crime is a crime, whether it be stealing a chocolate bar or getting chased across fields on a chavmobile. Personally, i've never commited anything. I must live a sad and miserable life heh. Except peadophilia, isn't that right everyone that rides with me? :P Those that wen't to bristol ride a while back will understand. ^_^
  12. Have you ever thought he got validated that quick because he actually added something to the forum? They don't randomly validated people and miss out people for the fun of it. Contribute something to the forum, and it will contribute something to you. You don't have to know everything about anything, just post decent replies in a decent manner and you will get validated easily. This thread however won't help your cause.
  13. Yeah, there called stealth shelfs. If you go onto caraudiosecurity or caraudiodirect .com, they sell stealth shelfs. As he said, the cost a fair bit mind, but do the job just fine.
  14. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/scaretactics.html Posted in other thread too, but i thought it was funny enough to post here too. (Y)
  15. It is 48. I'm not quite sure where you got 24 from, as it's never been 24. I've also heard after christmas earliest, sadly.
  16. Simon


    Sorry to burst your bubble, but thats a really stupid goal. Anyone can do drops, its being bothered to do them, and not being scared. It involves hardly any skill and doesn't really help you with anything to do with trials. Also, by lurch drops i'm assuming you currently just ride of the drop, which is even worse. You need to learn to get up the stuff you drop off, or gap to the things you drop off, or sidehop to it then drop off. Obviously each to their own, but if you want to get better at trials, then learn some proper trials moves, not just drops. Me? I've learnt shit all in months. I'm the slowest learner you will ever meet. ;)
  17. That skeleton video is ducking awesome. Check this shit out, i pissed myself. :- http://www.big-boys.com/articles/scaretactics.html B)
  18. http://www.cleanbikes.com http://www.tartybikes.com http://www.selectbikes.com http://www.trials-uk.co.uk http://www.trialsshop.co.uk Of the top of my head.
  19. AHAHAHAHA. Radtothemax, you are my f**king hero. :ermm: B) B) :D :S Right, this has motivated me to get a policeman or two doing a forward roll. I don't care what it takes, it will happen. You wait people, YOU WAIT! (Y)
  20. For exactly that reason. Fear factor. They tried again with some single parent of 3 kids, but the parent got pissed off and is now suing the RRIA on a good 20 or so counts of stuff. They won't go for such a stupid and worthless case again, as it simply has no gain. For every leecher you take down, another thousand will find out about p2p, and start leeching. They will, and are targetting the high profile seeders. Stopping the problem right at its root, 'cause if theres no data to share, then no one will download. People are way to paranoid.
  21. Er, you can download just as much Mac stuff as you can PC stuff. :ermm: I don't download certain pieces of software because its trendy, i download them because i'm not going to fork out 700quid on a video editing suite to just make the odd internet video and not make any money from it. Nor do i intend on paying how ever much it is for Macromedia suite to make a personal site here and there. You won't get caught, i know tonnes of more high profile warez people who would be caught before you do. I'm talking TB of data being transferred here too. Your be lucky to do a few GB.
  22. We are out pretty much every weekend, but we normally stick to just a few select places, but you're more then welcome to tag along. It's forecast to be pretty shit all week, and not sure about weekend, but if its not raining, we're sure to be out. :ermm:
  23. $5? Try $2. 2 f**king dollars? Honestly, whats the point? :)
  24. Yeah, to be fair, would suck in a hotel. Lee's right though, they wouldn't offer weekend tickets without a place to camp. We will have to see.
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