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Everything posted by Simon

  1. It's always meet at the shell centre, which is 10 seconds walk from London Waterloo. In the station, keep walking towards the Eurostar end, and you will see a walkway type place, walk through that, and go down the first set of stairs on the left, at the bottom of the stairs, turn right and seemingly into the courtyard of a big white skyscraper. Can't miss it.
  2. When the f**k did poll's get so confusing? Title? Content? Choice? f**k about. Anywhom, in the song game thread, i keep looking through and getting mightily confused, 'cause i thought the standard for writing down a song's credentials is "Artist - Song". I know the radio say "that was Song by Artist", but thats spoken, and makes sense that way. So yeah, random topic, but discuss.
  3. 12 hours. A year. 11 hours of that is spent talking and generally f**king around. S'what trials is all about folks.
  4. f**king yeah! In a few years time, i'll be well down for this. Reading their site is so funny. Awesome. Good luck with it Tom.
  5. Heres why i think christmas gets the same every year, just another day. When you are young, you go to school, talk to friends, play around at lunch and break, come home, friends are waiting for you as you enter your house, you get changed, go outside and find something to amuse your self with. Each day is different, you have vivid memorys, by the shed load. Every christmas, you look forward to it, as it seems so far away, and takes for ever to come. You have nothing to worry about, no other thoughts that cloud your mind. As you grow up, each day becomes the same, distinct and vivid memorys are a luxery, and days merge into one. Then christmas comes, just a few days after last christmas, or so it seems. All that travels your minds pathways are thoughts of bill's, how unhappy life is, what you will be doing at work when you go back, how you have seemingly wasted the past year. It's not as special as it was, it's just another memory of a day that came that much too quick. Thats what i think anyway.
  6. No don't. The chain is close enough to the chainstay as it is with those humungous chainstays. The lizard skin has to be there on 05 t-mags.
  7. I earn 220 a month, and pay 70. You earn an extra 130, and only pay 30 more then me. I know also have to pay for my internet, as the benifits people think its funny to take more money of us a month. I got a pen with a light in it, and the batterys are dead. Thats about as useless as my presents get.
  8. Simon


    Common sense should be taught at school, as clearly, people are lacking it. You should of rang them, we can't do a god damn thing about it, you shouldn't complain during the holiday period, ie, when the shop can't even do anything about it.
  9. Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine. He is called gravity. Not sure if you've met before. There is a limit, and one day it will be reached, but it will be a long time before that happens, and even when it does, as people have already said, everyone will just be more inventive.
  10. If it engages, whats the problem?
  11. Simon

    Happy Xmas!

    It's not christmas though.
  12. Yes i did. I had egg, baked beans and sausages, as i only had enough money for the 3 item fried breakfast deal thing. Ner.
  13. It was the only cake they had in the tesco cafe thing. Die, slowly.
  14. That won't ever die will it. Diet coke and either Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort this time around, actually. Diet coke simply tastes better, there's nothing else about it. DIE!
  15. Simon

    Before Bed

    Everyone knows masturbation is for the morning wood! I stay up until like 2 or 3am, so that i'm almost falling of my chair in tiredness, then get into bed and drop off within seconds.
  16. As with any virus, if you open an attachment from a source you don't know the authenticity of, you deserve to lose everything on your computer. It's just common sense to not open any attachment.
  17. It couldn't come sooner? b*****d thing, making me wait another 30 years, the rude thing, does it have no manners? Shame it won't actually hit, like all the hundreds of asteroid's that was mean't to hit the earth over the past years.
  18. Cheap? Yeah, 100 quid is well cheap. Way to much stuff to go wrong? Unless you don't have a clue about anything, and fail at life, they won't go wrong, atleast, not any more then any other brake. If you buckle a wheel with a vee its exactly the same as if you did it with a magura? Given, it won't be as bad, but its still the same rubbing and annoyance, and to sort either, you need the same tool, a 5mm allen key to either adjust the cable on the vee arm, or adjust the magura body position.
  19. Simon

    How To:

    I can imagine you put lots of effort into it and all, but it is just a bit of drain pipe stuck onto your frame, and i don't see why someone would need a tutorial on how to attach a piece of drain to their frame. If you are that conscious, get an armadillo off eBay, may not be as cheap, but it will work a damn sight better.
  20. Sorry, but even by 'joke' standards, that was very poor.
  21. Hey, hope hubs are good thanks. You're a big gay to not come ride 'cause of a hub. It's not as though you would of ridden much with any other hub anyway.
  22. NASS will so ban any information for NASS 07 ever reaching any trials riders after we've got through with 06.
  23. Ahahaha. They are so going to regret this. The poor buses won't know what hit them. Sounds like me got some new things to amuse our selfs with. Rekon we can still borrow a picnic beach back to camp? via bus? Doesn't sound all that great, but we will make it great.
  24. http://www.sydneytrials.com/videos/Sydneyt...rrerrrigall.wmv
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