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Everything posted by bridgyisgay

  1. does any one know anything about the JB zark? i.e weight and whether it is strong etc thanks
  2. hey i ride with adam, ian, ross etc from bromsgrove. do you fancy riding bristol on friday?
  3. look at that post from matt, bo etc bout a frame crack, ask them if they want to ride bristol
  4. haha ace. well we get loads of police trouble here in bromsgrove, told to move on. but they don't dare stop a bunch of chavs.... it's rediculous. we're not doing any damage though to be fair, whereas chavs tag up the place, drink and have sex in public places....(ok maybe not the sex bit :D)
  5. true true, iv'e ridden worcester on many occasions, and it's good there. Have you ridden bristol before?
  6. hey, i live in bromsgrove and there is only so much you can do, so i am looking for new places to ride. can anyone recommend any? :D
  7. hi im dan im waitin for my t-mag 05 to be delivered *sigh* been ridin for a few months, decided to try 20"
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