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Everything posted by JonPace

  1. mines done this about 100 times just take a blowtorch to your hosing
  2. maybe they just haven't got round to doing it yet, and maybe they don't feel it necessary to make such a thing. Maguras are good enough in the end but a hope brake would be likely to be superior as all their other stuff is well thought out and designed to perfection.
  3. what about the starbike hydraulic rim brake?
  4. JonPace

    New Hub

    is it pretty much the same design as a profile then in terms of engagement?
  5. did you not just watch that video where he shoves a load of beastly tools into the tyre, if it repairs after that...a pinch shouldn't be bad at all!
  6. JonPace


    probably just needs lubricating and bleeding properly.
  7. there will be a lot I expect. But they won't post on this forum :blink: just cause you only know of 3 doesn't mean there ain't a LOT more, its a big enough place!
  8. its still only a mini seat. Ok he lives in israel, they still have a postal service. And before you go skitz I know people who live there.
  9. a mini seat...well done, have several biscuits...
  10. OLD OLD VIDEO, must have been posted at least 5 times on ere...
  11. JonPace

    Rb Levers

    I don't even run a booster on my pure with the RB lever and its still very good! The lever doesn't even feel spongey! Makes little to no sense...
  12. insane moves, poor video though. Terrible Music too!
  13. good lord all I wanted was 1 question answering by someone who knew the answer. And if no one did I would have just picked up the phone. But oh no, people post who don't actually know anything to do with it and are of no help to me whatsoever. I ain't scared of the phone, I will ring tomorow, I just wanted to see before I wasted a phone call.
  14. and I suppose you have asked everyone on the whole forum this question in order to say that no one has ever asked...hmm thought not.
  15. before I go waste a phone calls ringing em: Has anyone ever asked for a smaller seat tube so there is better standover on the frame? cheeeers jonty
  16. nice relaxing video. good riding. Good music too! Good work kids.
  17. try ringing them and finding out?! :D
  18. it has 38 engagement points and you have to run the saint mech with it as far as I am aware. Spoke to nick today and he is so far happy with it. Get a profile though! much better!
  19. SICK stuff. My god you have come on leaps and bounds since your last video I swear! Once again I have been overtaken in the trials world, I just get worse by the day! Good video Radam need to ride with you sometime.
  20. I'll bring some mates if it ain't rainin. We live in leeds so its no hassle for us to come along.
  21. JonPace

    Profile 6spd

    well I am pretty sure that wayne and a few of his buds have also had no problems with profile hubs, and since I have had mine for ages and not even touched the thing to service it at all and its still absolutely perfect I'd say they were pretty much proven to work fine. That guy whos blew up may just have been unlucky I guess. I think the reason the profile doesn't skip is because of it using a different type of spring and stronger ratchet ring.
  22. what about profile mtb hubs? Mine is awesome, never skips.
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