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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. This makes no sense at all... What about the pre members who have added things to the forum but perhaps the mods have not seen? It looks like they do randomly validate people. Then at least change the First Visit Read This topic to something more realistic. What else can he do? He's been a pre-member for a YEAR. If he's a sucky poster, ban him. Shit or get off the pot basically.
  2. I have to agree, it is annoying being a pre-member. I've been one 4 months, so nothing like the thread starter's YEAR, but still. It's like having 2 Trials Chat forums, for first and second class members. I think it's better to judge everyone innocent until proven guilty. Then you could have a forum called 'sub-members' and stick all the people with bad grammar in there (Y)
  3. Just get used to asking yourself where your feet are. You'll have it before too long.
  4. Are they ceramic sidewalls or is it "disc only"? Reminds me of the Tioga rim...
  5. Or change it to 'Ferocity' :ermm: B)
  6. Micheal Jackson's Thriller is pretty good, especially with the video :ermm:
  7. Joined: 30/08/2005 From: tamworth (its rubbish 4 trials) Member No.: 7829 Refs: Here Bike Ridden : Multiple Was going to mention it earlier but I didn't want to upset him :ermm:
  8. I find most bike websites to be like this.. (Y) (most of the manufactureres sites)
  9. Yea, good ol' insulating Exhaust Layer (Y)
  10. Send me an email at --- if you're not too busy, I have an idea :lol:
  11. Install this, should sort it out: http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourcef...ow-20041012.exe
  12. You could always make a thread about it...
  13. Heh.. One time I was riding at night, without any lights, and I passed some old woman and she said 'You've got no lights!' and I almost shouted back 'Neither do you!'
  14. Very nice. What saddle is that? edit: nevermind, found it How much :turned: Is it possible to buy one? (in the UK)
  15. I've noticed that alot of the 24" bikes have lots of spacers... I think I'll go with 2" on the bars then. Cheers :ermm:
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