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Ollie Histon

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About Ollie Histon

  • Birthday 10/09/1990

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Ollie Histon
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Hull Yorkshire

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14956 profile views

Ollie Histon's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Hey dude, just bought a bike after quite a few years out. There's another lad in Hull I know who rides so will fire over a message when we're next out and my bike arrives.
  2. Ollie Histon


    Maybe even some sort of pay to watch service?
  3. Ollie Histon


    Did this ever get put online?
  4. Thought I would pop this beauty up from when I used to ride. Also really intrigued to see if anybody on here is still knocking about on it as I can't recall who I sold it to??? Would love to know!
  5. About a year ago there was a video out called forwards, it was on vimeo but for the life of me i cant seem to find it. It was a long video, around an hour, alot like the get videos or trial media. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Anybody know where the best place to buy a second hand road bike might be? i.e a forum like this one? or is it just a case of looking through ebay?
  7. oops. thanks for that. Im that used to spelling it correctly haha.
  8. Hi, I'm hoping to grab the attention of a moderator here, my account has recently been changed to pre-members Im assuming after a topic was created named 'Trail bikes are gay'. This happened after my flatmates went on Facebook rape frenzy and then decided they see what else they could get me on. I just wondered if my full rights could be restored? Its quite obvious that it wasn't me for the simple fact that i've been a member for about 5 years and 'trials' was spelt 'trails'. Any help?
  9. Hey guys, me and my flatmate recently set up our own music blog for a bit of fun, it includes a lot of dance and electro from my flatmate, whereas I like to include some indie and alternative stuff. Generally though we plan to have a nice broad range of music going onto there so please head over and check it out at the following links. (By the way i figured it would be okay to advertise the blog on here as its just for fun and non profitable?) http://arrhythmiamusic.blogspot.com/ We're also on facebook so go ahead and like the page and share with your dear friends! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Arrhythmia/123400484383592 Thanks a lot, hope you enjoy what goes up there.
  10. Did you sell your 24Uk or is it still for sale?

  11. Hey, give me a text about the 24uk on 07794254447 :)

  12. Got the money for your 24UK so will buy if you still have it .

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