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Everything posted by thirsty2

  1. if u read the last post on page 1 u will find out y i put it lol
  2. ooooooooooooo harsh coment o and trials bike arnt supposed to have a seat what is the point in seat when u dont us them when riding so he isnt a bum f**ker
  3. yeah but its just stupid and pointless lol
  4. brilliant answer smo well done m8 lol
  5. why dont you just tuck them in then you wont have any problems. if looking cool is going to make problems then dont do it. im not trying to be abusive so dont take it seriously lol hope that helps lol alex!
  6. cheers m8 thats gr8 help i think once ivegot new handle bars n stem n a booster i think i will get them because at the moment ive got gazzalodies they are the worst tires ive ever had quite week side walls cheers!
  7. i've seen a maxis highroler downhill (the 1 with the orange stripe going around near the tred of the tyre) in my local bike shop i was wondering what they would be like for trials. are the sidewalls strong or are they just a complete waste of money cheers people! alex
  8. my local bike shop which is portswood cycles fareham. they charge £5 for a re- bleed. but they are pretty poor on ordering things into the shop, because my mate he split his brake and he whent in there and they ordered some more fluid and when they got it after a couple of weeks they bled it then put the fluid in and they ran out of fuid lol. so they ordered a 50ml bottle, that took another week, then it took them ages to actually do it. they are pretty slack on things like that. cos they keep on forgetting things.
  9. not no more i dont its normally because i have to be in for my tea
  10. u should i aint been riding properly with u for ages alex
  11. kl thnx ash u gonna go, i actually whent on sat can u beleive it lol alex
  12. hi ive snapped a saracen 2.6 snapped 3 chains 1 bottom bracket seized up a front hub cross threaded the left crank arm bent front chain ring seized a peddle into the heli-coil of a truvativ crank well thats about it people lol alex.t
  13. hi people when is the next pompey ride? alex
  14. cheers pete that was great help thanks ive got one on the front now an it seems pretty strong so im gonna get one for the back (Y) (N)
  15. between pourtsmouth and southampton in the southwest (N) yeah i know tom wilcox i ride with him quite often hes got a zona zip hasnt he
  16. any 1 live near fareham do you wonna go for a ride on saturday leave a post for details
  17. oh rite i live near collingwood do you wonna come for a ride in fareham soon leave a post if you do
  18. yeah well done ash cane shaun up good on you i snapped my saracen too and got 1 of warenty hes not the smoothest rider is he lol
  19. hi people (Y) are the semi drilled echo rims strong (the 1's with the squares)
  20. what is a nicer frame to ride out of: the echo hifi the echo control or the zoo pitbull
  21. thirsty2

    My bad boy!!

    My bike!!
  22. thirsty2

    liams bike

    liams bike
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