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Everything posted by thirsty2

  1. nice one ash, i think i might just go and try that my self. some crazy stuff there, like the gap off the pallet onto the grass and flip out of it. nice one, bit crazy but hey you are crazy any way, so its allright. alex!!!
  2. hi, its good to hear that, but make sure you get a high rise stem, i have got the echo hifi stem, 130mm length and 15 degree rise i think, and that is perfect for me and i'm only 5ft 9 ish and but i've got the long Adamant. if you get the adamant i hope you do well on it and keep trying at those taps. good luck mate!! alex!!!!
  3. Hi, I have been riding for about a year and a half now, i used to ride a Saracen Team Urban, i kind of could tap it but it wasn't frequent, but now i've changed to an Adamant A1, long (and i don't regret a minute of it), and i can tap practically every time, not always staying on the bike but still getting my backwheel up. My side hops have improved allot because on my saracen i wasn't confident to go very high, but now i'm on my Adamant A1 i'm finding them allot better now because i'm higher up so the side hop looks smaller. and also i'm more confident with side hops now because i'm more controlled on the back wheel so i can take my time on setting it up and go when i'm ready, I can transfer easier because its my bike is longer and the wall feels smaller. well i hope this helps. alex!!! (hint hint, get an adamant, they are great)
  4. That drop is Mahoooosive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice one guys! alex!!
  5. hi, i thought i would post up a couple of pictures of Dave Pinney, (sex_on_wheels). link 1 link 2 comments welcome!! i'm sure he would appreciate that!! cheers Alex!! There will be plenty more pictures to come shortly!!!
  6. yer and you are ace at it too, dan. when can you do mine for me again, cos my new pads should be here soon. Alex!!!
  7. hey.go to the latest northallerton ride to see a well nice gu an my adamant.
  8. thirsty2

    my bike

    pictures of my bike
  9. From the album: my bike

    this is my new bike
  10. Hi, ive just got an adamant A1, and i'm running it with the echo hifi low stem with zoo risers and it ride beautifully. can u put a picture up of yours. Cheers, alex!!
  11. Its all sorted now, i got a cross head screwdriver, and put it in the top and span it to remove the paint, and now they fit. thank you for your help guys. alex!!!
  12. so do you recon its just the paint then, ill get the bikeshop where i got it from to do it for me because i get scared when it comes to things like this, because knowing my luck ill muck up. thanks mat alex!
  13. hi i've just got a new Adamant A1, i started to build it up and i got down to doing the brake and i tested the brake bolts in the threads, and they didn't fit. it might be that the paint is hanging over the edge a bit, and i don't want to risk trying to get them in just incase, or are the threads 3 mm, because my ones are 4 mm, the ones you get with the normal echo 4 bolt booster. help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!! Alex!
  14. I have found out his adress, and it is 17 Malin close, stubington, Fareham, hants. i hope this helps because personaly i wouldn't like to be in you possition. I hope you get your money back. Oh and his phone number is 01329 661664. Im not sure if he still lives there though because he has been at the nationals for Mototrials.
  15. He lives in Stubington, Fareham. dont know what road or what house number but i know exactly where it is though. hope this helps Alex!!!
  16. here it is!!!!!!!! Alex it didnt work sorry ill try another time.
  17. its a saracen team urban. i measured the wheel base with saracen forks in it. ill put a picture up later. thnx for the help any more would be helpfull, im sure there are more people out there with A1's. cheers Alex!!!
  18. Hi james. We all felt bad for you earlier, as you haven't had the frame long. The yaabaa bow frame looks mint, but don't know how much it is or how strong it is. Have you told your mum yet james about your frame. Me and dan think it was down the gilly's yesterday you hit it quite hard.
  19. Is there any one else out there with Adamant A1's, because i need quite allot because i need it to make my mind up because i'm going to be ordering it very soon. help much appreciated thanks Alex!!!
  20. yeah the people who i ride with including Liam ( which is spindle) came up with the name fareham trials massive at one stage, and ever since hes used it, but spindle is blocked now i think, said ash k, so i can see where you were coming from. thanks for the help any way. cheers alex!!
  21. hi. I'm looking at getting the Adamant A1 soon, but im not quite sure what length to get. If any of you have got one, could you please post up a picture of it with a quick spec, the length of the frame, and how tall you are because, im worried that the 1065 might be too short and cramped, or the 1095 might be too long. I'm 5ft 9/10 and I'm on a Saracen with a 1065 wheelbase with a + 15 bb rise, and it feels too small. Help much apresiated thanks!!! Alex!!
  22. Hi! im 15, ive been riding for 1 year and 2 months now, and im still going to be in years to come. alex!
  23. no we wont we don't want u there tom cos u ride a mod isn't only joking mate of course we do ill see u all down there then as long as it isn't raining and if my brake isn't pissing me about. ill give u a ring near the time dave mate. oh n i'm up for rocks on sunday if i can get the lift. they were great fun last sunday cheers dave. thanks again for sorting my brake out dave, much appreciated. alex
  24. yes ash i am defiantly am getting it mate. i really cant make my mind up, there is so many good frames out now its unbelievable. but i've made my mind up now. Adamant A1, beautiful!!!!!!!!!! cheers any way si. alex
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