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Everything posted by thirsty2

  1. cheers for the reply's guys, yer i was going to use cant stop but i found something else that went better with video. keep up the coments people!! alex!!!
  2. Hey im alex, been riding just under 2 years now. I got a video camera for christmas and this is my first video. Edited by myself. hope you all enjoy. constructive criticism welcome! cheers! alex!!! Alex -Adamant vid 1
  3. ill be coming along, getting new peddles in the morning aswell. if the weather holds out should be a good ride. alex!!!!
  4. Nice vid dan, not too keen on the music, but on the other hand i suppose the riding was ok lol, oj mine should be out soon hopefully lol. Alex!!!
  5. i'm up for it, ill have my new video camera and my new helmet, and ill actually have some money for a change. sounds like a pretty good ride so i'm sure ill be there!!! alex!!!
  6. nice vid mate, much better than your other ones. really enjoyed watching it, i think the music suits it nicely as well. hopefully get up to reading somewhen soon. nice one, alex!!!
  7. nice vid ash, much better than your previous one, better editing in this one, and better riding. keep up the good work. i liked the snappage at the end haha! alex
  8. I may be attending if i can get the money. BTW, how much is the train fair. alex!!!
  9. some good pics there, i like the faces that are being pulled especially mine in the 5th pic, also how are my feet still on my peddles on the 14th pic i think. nice one dan. good ride though, better than expected just thought it was going to be me, dan walker and dave but no i was wrong lol. alex!!!
  10. haha no one replied dave lol, awesome ride though cant wait till the pics come out. Alex!!
  11. great vid ross, really enjoyed it. You have improved loads since i rode with you in southampton. keep the good work up mate! hopefully ride with you again sometime. nice one! alex!!!
  12. i might come along, depends if i've got enough money, because i'm saving for new rims front and back. tom, what are your try-all rims like? i'm tempted to get them in fluro green. alex!
  13. hi! A couple of us from Fareham are going, anyone up for coming. meet at guildhall at 11. see you there if you come! Alex!
  14. yer they tap really nice for me, i find that you have to go for big taps, you cant hit the front wheel easily on small ones. i was trying for ages on a small one and kept missing the front wheel, and i was told by ash- kennard to go for a higher tap, so i did and i got it first time. they sidehop real nice too. i'm just getting used to gapping it now, getting the technique wright. also id like to add that they are very strong. so all you low bottom bracket lovers there is absolutely nothing wrong with high bottom bracket bikes. when people go from a low bottom bracket bike to a high bottom bracket bike you don't give them enough chance, they take a little bit to get used to but when your used to it they are awesome! so don't slag them off if you haven't given them a chance. if you have and you don't like it then just personal preference really. Alex!
  15. ill be there ash! my brake is finally working, i ground my rim tonight. see you tomorrow ash, and who else comes tomorrow. Alex!
  16. yer good ride! haha that was so funny. "these seats aren't for riding on, they are for bombs" hahaha Alex!
  17. cant you make it there about 11ish, to get a decent amount of riding done. alex!
  18. Fareham is alright to ride, i ride it too much( basically every day) so i get a bit bored of it but its good at first. you should come down for a ride, bring loads of people too, make it a decent ride. hope to see you soon if you come down. alex!
  19. I stabbed a bag of weed because i have amazing boobs.
  20. hi, a few of us are going to southampton tomorrow (1st). anyone who's interested meet opposite the station at 11. cheers, see you then. alex!!!
  21. the ride of the A1 compared to the saracen is totally different. the length of the frame, which feels different, high bb so you feel higher. the A1 just stays on the backwheel, as for the saracen doesn't. i am much more confident on the A1 than i was on my saracen, because it just feels like a real bike. unlike the saracen which just feels like a pile of s**t. yes i just did a straight swap over, apart from a few parts like, bb and stem, i find it better to have a high bar hight on the adamant so it equals out the bb hight. i hope all of this helps in your choice mate.
  22. Hi there, I rode one for 3 months if that, and snapped it twice in the chainstay, i've also snapped a 2.6 in the chainstay. don't get me wrong, they are nice frames, good geometry, ride nice, look fairly nice, but not very strong. and yes if you snap it you get one from warranty for free, that is what i did with the 2.6, snapped that so i got the urban, then snapped the urban, and they sent the super pro frame, but the bike shop that was doing this for me said that they would give me the money for the frame and they would sell it, and the money went toward my Beautiful Adamant A1. Also i found that with the team urban, the brake lugs were in the wrong position, and kept on screwing my maggie up. and i could never have decent pads because i had to have the calipers pointed and i couldn't move them down any further so part of the pad would be on the top of the rim. I hope I have helped, so my advise is, if you have got enough money to get a decent frame, get one, or if you haven't got that much money get the urban, and have fun while it lasts. alex!!!
  23. im deffenatly up for it, unlucky chris that looks pretty bad. see you there! alex!!
  24. i'm a lefty, but i can also write neatly with my right. alex!!!
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