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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Joe_Elding


    You don't need to cut the slope off i don't think Just whack a spacer above the stem so that the topcap sits on something horizontal :turned:
  2. Any company that makes tracksuit bottoms with zip up pockets.
  3. You could get two lever bodies and having them as close as possible and then machining a custom lever so it fits into two bodies and pushes two pistons etc.? Or Do above but just use two normal leverblades and araldite/weld them together so you could pushe the top one in and both would go in? Joe :turned:
  4. Echo control 1085? I know it's not on your list but it's probably your best choice. I'd stay away from anything above 20+BB but thats just me. Either an echo control or onza limey mate.
  5. I'll have it off you lee, won't have the money until about friday though if thats iiight.
  6. I didnt really like it to be honest, You looked really uncontrolled on the back wheel in places and lacking in any real style. Also i thought there were too many pictures put in at the wrong places with the music and for too long. I did like the rolling gap off the ramp though.
  7. The leesons are pretty much completely custom so the geo is all different. Not sure about the geo of the et bu I've heard they crack easily from 'proper' street riding. If you can get a leeson or curtis tey are propbly the best(if not only) 24'' frames on the market :angry:
  8. Hi, I just figured out how to work my camera and my bikes working fine for once so I'm riding London on Sunday with a few others. Anyone else wanna tag along? I'm gonna say 12'oclock at shell to allow as bit longer for the frost to go away and it to warm up a bit. All welcome :angry:
  9. I rather enjoyed watching that... you've gotten so much better since your last video :angry: Holy shit that bail at the end was that you? looked like a bmx.
  10. Ornage Zero Planet x ali bongo ( IMO one of the nicest riding stock bikes I've ridden)
  11. Hi, I have recently just fitted a '05 magura louise to my front and it was fine when i first got it with the right lever reach that i liked and stuff. But the i took the rotor off as i got a new hub, and when i put it back on the new one the lever went in really far until it locks, I know that they aren't contaminated as i boiled both rotor and pads before i put them back on. any suggestions of how to move the pads constantly in? What i noticed about the pads is they had become magnetic after boiling them? Maybe they'repelling against the disc meaning them to further back increasing lever reach? Or do i just need to rebleed?
  12. 03 Magura louise? £79.99 on CRC
  13. I'm 60kg and can to 20odd chin-ups. I cant do them proper though as my left elbow doesnt striaghten all the 180 degrees. more like 175 degrees
  14. I'm not sure if this is the right thing, but on the drive side of the hub there i a circulare piece with two sides cut into it to be gripped wiht a spaner, vice ect. hold the cog still and tighten this, worked with mine :)
  15. It's not a home machine. And i can do 75k's at 2 different gyms and i doubt both of them would have ''fake'' weights
  16. Your rents? Dont you live with your parents :blink: Do you wanna brin some round mine Sunday morning and i can bleed both our brakes?
  17. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=6118 This is what I'll be ordering tomorrow. On CRC they do a whole range off 661 'Storm' gloves designed for winter. Have a look at them.
  18. Do hey sell anti-freeze at halfords? IS It expensive? Is it the same thing as de-icer? Can ?I use anything else instead to save spending £2.99 or whatever it is? cheers :blink:
  19. And my allen keys and inner tube(if you can) :S (to Ben not Chai)
  20. FFS I can! 1) you've never seen a pic of me, god knows where you've got that from. 2) you've never even met me nor have any justification that i can't do it. Yes i admit 75kg's difficult for me but if i had been going to a gym for a year like you have i would find it a piec e of piss. I'll get a picture on monday when i next go in.
  21. That was awesome. f**king good job :blink: What I especially liked: -''Danny....Emo'' -Porter on the Unicycle -Alex Pavlou's Mod section -Doney's warehouse -The drop to front wheel in the bails bit -That fit bird that fell off -Tic's semi-naked body after being sprayed and covered in god-knows what. f**king mint vid :S
  22. I'm sorry but 72.5 isn't hard. It sound to me like you're making it sound so difficult so the uneducated to wieghts see you as superman or something? I've been going to a proper gym for about two weeks now three times a week and i can do 75kg 5ish times. Also the two people i go with on most days can do about the same aswell. Probably due to the fact I've been doing rowing at my school for a year and a half though.
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