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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. What so you're saying that they won't ride trials unless they get paid for doing it? Thats stupid, if i was world champion i wouldn't expect to be paid shit, of course i wouldnt complain i fi did get paid but i wouldn't not ride if no-one paid me. Great point of sale that is, ''Because we pay loads of world champions your going to have to pay stupid amounts for a frame that rides just as nicely as cheaper frames'' and before you ask. Yes i have ridden a koxx before. If you owned a shop and had more than enough staff to work there but you couldnt affprd to pay them what would you do? Sack a few or pump up the prices of what you are selling. To be honest i think yo're the one thats ''out of touch'', yes I've not ridden as many bikes as you but i can see as im sure most people can that the more frames that come out on the market the better, you havent seen the material of this frame for all you know it could be a super lightweight compframe which would open more choices to people who would like to ride a long and low comp orientated frame?. Would you like to go to a competition and see everyone riding the same frame, and then go to a street ride and again see everyone riding the same frame just because theres no more on the market for them to buy?
  2. You say this but you don't actually need any more to choose from, try-alls are perfect for most people and CC's are just as good so I on't know why you're complaining. And besides theres a fair few others to try from aswell monty,onza,echo...........
  3. He told me he hated it and was gonna scrap it and get a completely different one
  4. I'll check on the money situation. It means i can get my allen keys back off ben aswell
  5. aI prefer the zoo pitbull and yes i have ridden both. With the gu i found the head angle to be ridiculously slack and the chainstays aso a ridiculous length related to the bottom bracket rise. The Pitbull i prefer a lot to the GU although i am fairly against any BB rise the pitbull definately feels nicer.
  6. What so you can up to bash 54'' after 3months of riding. you some kind of Schwarzaneggar lookalike?
  7. So that means you have a mac that you could sell me for err free
  8. Pictures. smells like bullshit. I've been riding a year can backwheel 33'' Pallet to Pallet gap a bit over 6foot and can sidehop 36''
  9. Actually LLoyd has it. a new rider adrian lent it to
  10. It's not a part of deng, it's owned by yao zhi and is basically just a copy of pythons/pitbulls but with different internal brake boosters. But yeh not Deng related at all
  11. I got mine done for free at a car garage i just asked if they would be able to and they did it while i waited
  12. Rather enjoyed that and a nice site aswell, easy to browse. It's not very often i can sit through a five minute video so nice one What the trials scene like out there? I will be going there for two months eith this comeing summer or the year after so would be good to get some riding done
  13. I quite like them apart from the camera/your head shadow on the bottom of both photos, try and position yourself so that you not blocking any of the light or if your using a lamp for light move that so the only shadow is of the object itself. goodluck with the new camera
  14. i might be here for this, grandmas birthday on the 31st so will prob be up weekend after or before.
  15. Put a plaster over it. it will stop you getting blisters and mean you dont get cold fingers from the lever
  16. I think he meant the guy on the xtp is a knob. I could get a few people to come up if you need any help/riders etc.
  17. I meant nass sorry should of made it clearer!
  18. 20'' WB- 1045 RE- 365 BB- +50 HA- 70° 26'' WB- 1080 RE- 380 BB- +20 HA- 72°
  19. Joe_Elding

    Im Worried

    i have loads of new folders numbered 12345 and so on and they all lead to more new folders until about 10 on when its the right folder, i then have a ''grand theft auto cheats'' text document with the correct combination
  20. I remember that thing from 5+ years ago. Happy times
  21. 29th-30th july? Does that mean its only one night?
  22. I think you coud get away with no insurance if all the riders sign some sort of disclaimer and the area is fenced off so that none of the publice can get in to the actual riding area. other than that it shoud be easy.
  23. someones bidded higher than me now so it doesnt matter. I emailed them and got a reply telling me how to leave feedback for people. cheers anyway
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