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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Alright cheers, does anyone know if it will be safe to run for a week then until CRC gets 'em back in stock? Cheers
  2. Hi, I was riding in my garden today and heard a strange creaking in my forks, and fearing the worst whipped them off to check for cracks, when i got the forks out and the little bearing holder thing that sits inbetween the crown race and the bottom headset cup fell on the floor in pieces. Anyway: Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement for this? I'm getting a CK headset in a few weeks would it be safe to ride with it in three pieces for this time until I do? Is there a reason why it happened? overtightening of the headset maybe? Answer away
  3. I always thought it was Nick Mannings, dunno why though I'll blame it on Fletch anyway though
  4. Martin Grainger had it after sam got his python and has since cracked it. So i guess it died
  5. The only reason i said i didnt like it is becasue the tool i have doesnt fit my mates one and i didnt want to buy a new tool but i suppose if there as good as people say i might aswell go for it. Any other opinions?
  6. I've been advised against those by a few people, the bearings are supposedly too small and also i don't like the BB tool interface what about the new echo ones? They look alright has anyone used 'em yet?
  7. hi I've been looking around for a new bottom bracket and have decided on an FSA platinum pro thing. The only trouble it the widest axle length i can find it in is 122.5 and i want a 127 one preferably. The next option i saw was a 80mm BB shell on but with a 130mm Axle, if i used this would it be safe in my frame or would there be too much pressure on a part of a BB thats on the outside of the frame and thus strip my threads? obviously i will use the right spacers and so on. If your answer is no to all of this and that a 80mm shell would royally f**k up my frame then i am offering a dairy milk bar and a burger king discount voucher to anyone who can find me on in 73mm*127.5mm. Cheers lads
  8. Last year when i went i think i was one of the youngest at 14, there was about two others the same age as me though were i camped Edit; i didnt drink either theres quite a few that don't (Manning)
  9. realplayer plays like every format apart from wmv and very few others so you cant have that much trouble
  10. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=2963 CRC are your men only £34.99 aswell
  11. Could one of you who lives near ben cox (damo,nick?) remind him to bring me allen keys and maybe an innertube if hes coming?
  12. Avid juicy 7 (present to myself ) Nice new giro xen helmet multitool magura service kit thing England rugby shirt Levis shirt And some money off relatives/gf etc.
  13. Off my parents i got a new helmet,multitool,englnad rugby shirt and a few other random clothes and bits and bobs. I managed to get £180 off my relatives/gf etc. which is buying me a CK headset and some over little bits. I also won a £200 premium bond about 1 week ago so i bought an avid juicy 7 and some small little bits for my bike
  14. Thrush Cream from my auntie.....................i hope it was a joke
  15. On the 2nd of Jan I'm heading up to London for a bit of a ride, It's a bacnk holiday so there shouldn't be too much trouble with getting kciked off places and whatnot but you never know, also it gives a day for all yo' hangovers to clear. so far theres 4 from Woking and hopefully a few more coming, anyone else up fot it?
  16. Cool cheers, I'll probably head to Brighton after Christmas then as it's easier to get to that Worthing.
  17. Well I've been in the mood to ride some natural lately but living near London means i don't get anywhere near good stuff too often. What good natural places are the in the South-east, I know about Hook woods and Battersea but i wondered if there was anywhere new, someone mentioned worthing and weymouth were good but I'm not too sure, need a few more opinions. Anyone know of any good places?
  18. because hes an arrogant b*****d who would rape you little brother if given the chance
  19. CNC is so much stronger because it is a block of aluminium cut from raw, and then just cut down to the right shape, this makes it a lot stronger and less flexy as it has never been in another shape before.
  20. Wheres the video? I've refreshed many times and it just comes up how it was a few days ago?
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