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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Could someone please take a DECENT chain tool that they know works with KHE collapse chains please. My one doesn't fit so im stuck using a proper sketchy old KMC. Cheers boys EDIT: collegeboy could you not walk your bus to the train station and buy an innertube at evans?
  2. I really really like the fact that when you click on one of the navigation links it doesnt open a new page but comes up below, gives a nice clean looks and saves loading times. I also like how theres just that blank space in the middle, makes it look very simplistic and 'cool' I like
  3. Sorted woooooo!! the insert thin inside my star fangled nut had come off so i just put a new one in. Bike rides better than any girl ever could!!!
  4. I Cant the my forks off my old frame because the topcap bolt won't undo past about half way or tighten anymore, so i cant put my forks on new frame or use my old frame. Doesnt look like i'll be coming anymore:(
  5. Woohoo, I'm not 15 until two days after the last round which means i can still enter minime! Should only be entering the devon and hook woods rounds though
  6. What i did was get a transparent floor tile, it's like a sortof rubber tile about2-3mm thick which is really tough but quite flexible, and it's also self-adhesive so theres no need for cableties, it is visible but doesnt block any stickers or anything and it absorbs all the impact and stops scratches. Only costs about £4.99 from wickes aswell
  7. I'll be there, Might bring adrian and max up with me aswell
  8. you WILL get kicked off every spot you go to on a weekday, as in EVERY single spot except southbank,
  9. Do you have to book early to reserve a bike place or is it just a case of asking at the ticket office? I've never done it before but I have been kicked off so really should start.
  10. I should hopefully be coming to this, my first time in Southampton and probably my fist time on new frame aswell, so be nice!
  11. Hi I'm getting a bashplate-less frame on Saturday and although i run an echo bash at the mo i still don't trust myself so i'm looking to make myself and downtube/chainstays protector. What I'm looking for is a flexible transparent plastic, similar to that on a mobile phone case, you know the ones with like leather and then a plastic-type cover on the fron so you can see through and press the buttons and stuff. I've searched on google and the closest thing I've found is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, but i cant find anywhere that sells it, I'm probably gonna head down to wickes soon for a look around there but just in case... any of you engineers know of anything? Cheers. Ps. I also dont want an armourdillo or a piece of gutter.
  12. Change the width of the background, no-one likes scrolling sideways!
  13. Just like a specialized fuse 3 or something. I think it will be alright i just dont wanna break it or anything
  14. My brother got that for chrimbo as his basic get around bike. Will it be ok for starting Bmx as in learning to drop in and bunnyhop? I'll probably be getting something ok from alans when i get the money
  15. Nice one man. What category do you enter at comps? I'm thinking of entering for this year but ive never been to one before so i dont know what sort of level it all is and i'm about the same standard as you (probably a bit worse ) Good video though, how long you been riding?
  16. cheers I've got the hang of it now Except for it keeps having the background tiled four times and i dont know hw to cahnge it Nothing looks wrong with the code either
  17. I might come, depends how the money situation's going
  18. I should be able to come. I dont know where the school is though
  19. There is camping this year The campsite is two miles away from the NEC and there is free buses running to and from both days. Theres a thread in trials chat somewhere
  20. Cheers man thats what I'm looking for One more quesiton though, where you say image is that the whole image fromk photoshop or just the bit thats been sliced around?
  21. Hi, for a while I've been designing a basic website for the riders in and around woking on photoshop. I've kindof finished a design i just need to know what to do. Basically, all i've done is the home page in photoshop, do i add the font in on photoshop of dreamweaver? Also with slices, do i slice everything where content will be or just links? And is all i need to do in dreamweaver connect the links up and upload? or is there all sorts of coding to do? Thats what it looks like in photoshop what do i need to slice? Cheers muchos! Ps: i've searched google but i dont really know what to look for
  22. Joe_Elding


    Change your avatar i will send you hate Pm's until you do
  23. What so your not sending the money until you get the bike, even though you said you'd sent the money on Saturday so we should of got it on the same time on Monday, yet you havent actually sent it even though i did honestly say to you that I'd rather Me get the money then i send it, but still you said no, i thought i was being the decent one by sending it at the same time yet you still havent even sent the money so you in theory have a bike and £125. I'm in half a mind to come up to Tring and get my bike off you... Edit: and FFS It's wrong!!
  24. Joe_Elding


    I'll be buying three, two for my mates...
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