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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Mine have lasted me like three years...and one of those years was my 'drop gap' time. definately reccomend them still going perfectly.
  2. My 18th on the 29th...wens everyone gonna start turning up?
  3. I might try and come if you dont mind likeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. Have you ever had a Tetanus jab before? Because I' pretty sure that they last for like 10 years so if youve had one before its probable you won't need another.
  5. Is it wrong that when i imagine barrack obama i just see president palmer from 24?
  6. Joe_Elding


    Whoever said diet and water consumption doesn't make a difference is chatting shit, that is the single most important thing to stop acne. I stopped using face wash after nass when it cleared up no end through just rinsing my face under a tap every morning. Now i wash using hot water in thge shower and then once im out of the shower dip my face in a sink full of cold water << that helps so much it closes up your pores and makes your skin feel so much smoother. And then once a week i exfoliate and use tea tree oil. DRINK MORE WATER
  7. But where you doing any forearm specific exercises?
  8. errrr he was dressed as doctor who?
  9. Come to the Clap-man one with me fatty
  10. Theres a shakeaway in kingston, definately not £2 for a huge one though, i think mediums something ridiculous like £4.
  11. Because then Some decent topics will go completely unanswered, No offence meant but in a lot of situations theres gonna be someone more knowladgeable about it than the 20 or so Mods/Sms. Say if there was a genuine topic about something really abstract, none of the Mods/Sms and theres a high chance none of the NMCs would either (only a guess i don't think ive ever been in) and the topic would get ignored. edit: 3 posts from when i started posting. aimed at pashley.
  12. gonna miss you man. It makes me sad how i dont think i've ridden with you since youve had your monty/ maybe even Gu.
  13. I'm proud of you man, you managed to find away to boast about the programs you run
  14. Whereas people are paying your broadband bills they want you here so badly!
  15. Do real weight lifting, Clean & Jerk and snatch <- your gonna have to get someone to teach you these though. and inbetween that do as many front squats as you cann. Oh and no cheating, if you don't have good form you may aswell be at home wanking.
  16. Innit man if you're gonna be putting thoughts into peoples heads at least make sure there good ones. (MDMA MDMA MDMA MDMA)
  17. yeh but none of your posts are useful or funny so i wasnt judging you on useful funny posts. there all just shitty 'yeh man, sitting on the fence is too fun for words' posts
  18. wouldn't wanna live anywhere but london.
  19. Oh my f**king days, you used to actually be quite bearable now youve just turned into another muel/hendrix, and your posts make me want to die
  20. lucky theyve got you, a comedic genius, to cheer them up then isnt it!?
  21. ahhhhh cheers guys but i dont think its gonna happen. it was for my gf's seventeenth n for her card i was gna try and get a picture of her doing something for each of the letters. but it is a lot harder than i thought.
  22. Yeh its part of a new gcse course called 'Verbs - name as many as you can'.
  23. I need as many verbs that begin with E as possible! I.e to eat to engage. thanks! oh and any beginning with V too!
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