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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Rear hope mono trial and monty 221ti rear wheel, POW i'm good.
  2. i'll be getting in at 11:03, you had better wait for me.
  3. Our teacher paid £75 for some birdflu tablets that didnt have any of the verisign thing and got £3000 nicked form here account and talcum powder compacted into tablets. Stupid bitch
  4. I should be going to this, whats it like in Reading?
  5. Ash is only 14 aswell though
  6. Thought you wanted a GU? Twat
  7. I voted no but i havent used one, but the guy in woking i ride with actually snapped HIS RIM clean in half, there wasnt even a flatspot or anything before
  8. Since i rode simon's stock triton I've wanted one of these, will have to start saving up...
  9. And if you pour vinegar down aswell it makes a volcano
  10. Me and a few mates were going up for a small ride on Sat anyway, So we'll prob see you there
  11. Seriously, shit the bed, I just got 997kb/s on the new adam bessell video on my school computers.
  12. We might be able to give you a lift ben, Depends if this other guy starts driving so we have two cars, I'll let you know nearer the time
  13. I've just taken a dump the size of my head so i should be sidhopping well over 50''.
  14. I quite like the design, THe only thing i would change is that by cliking elsewhere on the screen closes the navigatoin bar thing so i don't have to press ''close menu''. speeds good though, I'm getting ~120kb/s which is a bit faster thn tv.isg.si for me... nice one Edit: Latest news, search files,view archives,list albums and lost password pages don't work
  15. Me adrian and Sam are coming, getting in at waterloo for 10:52.
  16. I was 15 four days ago, I can't say ''I'm good considering how old i am anymore''
  17. would prob be able to do the whole thing, well i'm definately driving to nass with a mate so will have to speak to him about the whole thing. could you not to Nass-->Birmingham(Sundayevening/monday)-->(tuesday)Porthcawl-->(wednesday)Bristol-->(thursday)Portsmouth-->(friday)London-->DEmo thing I say birmingham b'cause it's right by nass so you won't have to drive when majorly hung over etc.
  18. I haven't got on to well with my heatsink reds/cnc backings, I'm running a ronnie and the pads wear down the grind in about 3 days and then don't work particularly well after that, I also found that the managed to collect a lot of dirt/dust and then when i ride in the rain in all washes onto the rim making the brake even worse, Majic pads next
  19. You're the guy that rinses everything in london and then ruins everyones self esteem by saying you've only been riding like two weeks. Cool video
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