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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. It didnt change, hes got both. Lucky boy
  2. ALi bongo Deffo, Mine should be built in a few days, nicest stock EVER.
  3. Nice video man, I liked the Woking parts, and the end
  4. Different disc mount About an inch shorter as well...
  5. From what i can figure its inversely proportional. But im no electrician so im not sure. so basically it means that 11.6 = constant/200 therefore constant = 11.6 * 200 = 2320 therefore 7.2 = 2320/ x(Ma) (sub in the second bit with the constant value) 7.2 * x = 2320 x = 322.2 Therfore 7.2V = 322 MA Well thats how we do it in maths so it may be wrong.
  6. Ring up supercycles, they should have a few...
  7. Good old zoo video 26 lol.
  8. looked better as a tree
  9. 10 ft gaps, 55'' sidehops, bloody large hooks
  10. Shall we say 10:00 at Radley? I can either get that or 11:05, Ill probably see you at reading though Ben won't I? I'm meeting the others there...
  11. Surely after 5 years you'd have learnt to preload before you take off for gaps/sidehops Wayne? Or is that not the ''in'' way ''to'' do it ''now''?
  12. Do people getting the train up wanna meet a the train station at a certain time and convoy to the garden?
  13. The year 11's at our school: pissed/shat all over the floor in the staff room, Got pictures of naked men/women and superimposed teachers faces onto it, made the lunch tables in to a long line covered it in tarporline and fairy liquid/water and slid along it during lunch and hanged a mannikin dressed in school uniform from the flagpole. Pretty fun.
  14. Joe_Elding

    Xbox 360

    All this talk has made me dig out my old n64, Goldeneye and mario kart are still well fun to play
  15. from what I can see I prefer it to yo zona. cant really tell though
  16. Kris holm £22 unicycle.com
  17. Joe_Elding

    Big Brother

    BB turned off the cameras and escorted Shahbaz out of the house.
  18. Joe_Elding

    Big Brother

    Youve gotta love richard after that...
  19. Joe_Elding

    Big Brother

    LOL shahbaz is on suicide watch
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