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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. I'd change frames to something a bit more modern, Maybe a Planet X or something, not totally new-breed but not Cannondal either. And probably a new rear rim aswell, as mavics are often too thin for modern-day frames.
  2. Prison Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Come to Woking, Its only about 15mins away and is pretty cool (wheeler/chai seemed to enjoy it), better than anywhere else nearer anyways. (if you get refused)
  4. Whos the guy there on the left? with the big b*****d flash?
  5. Real nice pics, my fav's are of Fred going from big cotton reel to cotton reel, Jonny J going up to the cotton reel, and James P going off the cotton reel.
  6. How? Profile Europe have always been awesome with me. Got replys to emails within a few hours all the time? Edit: because echo are so easy to contact :|
  7. Yer but If they have the money why not let them spend it? I know for sure that I'm the sort of person you're referring to. I've been riding 1 yr 3months yet have a perfectly specced out GU, but I'm only 15, what else can I spend my money on? I don't see how someone having a better bike than you yet not be able to ride aswell as you can really make you ''hate'' them? Sounds more like jealousy IMO.
  8. Don't suppose you could put the whole lot for us to look through in a .zip file or something could you? Unless you wanna upload 'em all one by one,
  9. 221ti's ride A LOT nicer than 221pr's, and I've ridden both.
  10. I'm guessing a lot of people woke up looking like this:? [attachmentid=5098]
  11. Looks nice, Shame I can't ride it for shit,
  12. That was an awesome day, I met loooads of really cool people(probs won't see any of them again until this time next year ) and got some cool stuff done. Setup was perfect and there was some awesome shizzle going down.
  13. Wooohoooo!! Just greased every thread on my bike service profile + headset grinded rims etc. I'm getting into Radley at 11:05 so should be at the football bit by at least half past? will probs stop in at the garden before/after
  14. Legend...nothing beats an ali bongo.
  15. Viz stems FOR-THE-f**kING-WIN
  16. *might* be running them front + back in the not so near future, from what i've seen they're awesome.
  17. Nice one J. I preferred the shorties with the screenshot's like the other one though. Cool design mind but a bit cluttered I<MO. Dvd loooks gooooooooooood
  18. Kris holm 20'' rim. Water bled. 05 lever. lightish grind Edit: riding pretty much every day, street and nice wet natural, dropgaps, wallrides, tyre taps, sidehops etc...
  19. A company made gyros for a hydraulic brake, I'm not sure which company but it looked pretty good, would help while your learning with bails and the like. On the subject of actually doing the spins, could you grab onto the seat and spin the bars or would that not work? Found the picture: Made by F-set apparently, can't find much more info though sorry.
  20. And you sent siderss77 an un-bled advertised as bled magura.
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