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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Ahh nice one, he told me he was at the DJ ride but he had a great big smile on his face at the time so i wasnt sure whether to believe him or not lol.
  2. Hes good for a 13 year old,really good, I really liked the rail gaps and some other little things, i thought that one or two things were just thrown in for no reason though, like that drop on the stock? alright video nonetheless, Edit: is he sponsered by tartybikes?
  3. this sounds awesome, deffo coming, is there gonna be camping or not? Edit: whats the nearest train station?
  4. They start outside Waterloo station and usually end across the river, tower hill sortof area.
  5. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/JoeElding ''Londonjuly2006.wmv'' Just a short video I banged together from Sunday's London ride, it was my first time using premiere so I had to learn as i went along, meaning the editting isn't great, but I think its Ok. 2 minutes 52 secs. 32MB Comments appreciated. Edit: when i saved this in premier I did it as the standard one that came up, this turned out to be 621MB, so i had to put it in windows movie maker and change it to WMV. does anyone know how i can sva eit straight to WMV on Premier?
  6. you're a reet funny b*****d you
  7. That looks reet forking awesome. maybe something to do for my 18th. Last pic makes it look like a proper cock fest though lol.
  8. Try the supercycles ebay shop? I know they sell old t-comp frames on there every now and again they may o the same with t-masters?
  9. Yer i got about 1min30 worth of good clips aswell, Im gonna save them and go on a few more london rides and make a longish london video.
  10. Adam bessell said something about living near him, check him out.
  11. Ellsworth truth or specialized 415 bmx. or a trek roadie if im at my dads.
  12. Chainstays aren't the same length. zona's are 362mm and Pythons are 375.
  13. I really like some of those pictures, especially the one of chai hooking that wall, and the one of joe going to that rail. LMAO at sponge, you wouldnt think hed just got up a 10" wall...
  14. I really like that. Is it a different colour to the one that vincent (i think) was using? looks more metallic.
  15. http://www.stagonset.co.uk My friend cam across this website when searching for some bolts for his brake, they come in pretty much all the sizes you would need on your bike with heads for wheelstyle bolts, brake bolts, and also countersunk bolts. The postage I think is fixed at £1.50 and the bolts themselves are cheap, with normal brake bolts being 15p each. Thought this would help as ive seen loads of topics asking where to buy bolts etc.
  16. Massive preload on the rear tyre there biff lol.? Edit: had another look, 45''/46''? Edit again: I did 43'' yesterday, my highest, been riding a year and 4months.
  17. Its so wrong but it looks soo nice
  18. LOL you look about 5 in that picture. Noice though
  19. Ko-bike KM1, dan kos frame coming out for sale in 2 weeks. I rode his black one today and the guy i ride with in woking has one aswell so i ride that a lot. I prefer the ko-bike to my GU, there isnt any particular MAJOR differences between the two but the ko-bike feels more ''easy'' if you know what i mean, like with my GU i have to try to make it cooperate or whatever, but with the ko-bike it just does what you want it to. Its gonna be my next frame. ALSO: the kobike has 358 cs not 385 im guessing its a spelling mistake.
  20. Absolute ferking beast of a ride. Got home 20mins ago. Did ST. pauls TWICE and got loadsa crazy shit on film, Fred = Beast. Expect a video soooooon
  21. I'm coming just watched BBC weather and it says it isnt going to rain in London.
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