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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Nah the route doesnt go past any of the places we go to. Its all greenwich, hyde park and those sort of places, it will only be busy with people on tubes and stuff going to see it, but i doubt it wi effect us Ah shit, looking closer it goes on the road past st pauls, apparently only between 14:45 and 14:49. not sure what that means though PDF map here.
  2. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2004 they might push the pads in really far though. im not sure. theres also the heatsink cnc v backings, which fit maggy pad material so you just take the material out of normal plastic packings and put them in the cnc ones.
  3. lol at porters front to back at reading uni. good stuff
  4. here you go, its not very good and in some places ive just left bits out completely, but ah well.[attachmentid=6793]
  5. Anyone up for it? I wanna do some filming and just ride there, 11 at station?
  6. Its only one match say youre ill. my season doesnt start for another week. Gutted.
  7. Write to blue peter, might get a golden badge
  8. youre a f**king nobber. what else is there to explain?
  9. me and a few from Woking are going to hook woods tomorrow, gonna be there from like 11 onwards. Its 10 pound entry fee, late notice i Know but still, anyone up for it?
  10. put a five penyy coin in so tthat it covers up the whole on the bb. screw the big bit of the tool all the way into the crank and tighten it down with a spanner. then use an 8mm allen key and tighten the little bit in. it will just push the crank off.,
  11. Basingstokes quite good, theres a good day of riding there. Wokings 15mins away which is pretty good and readins about the same distance and is also pretty good.
  12. 'i got an A* at maths which i took a year early gotta wait until next year for all the rest probs gonna be shit, im ony goot at maths
  13. turn a tyre inside and try it.
  14. 29th march 2005, 14th birthday.
  15. Havent seen Simpsons post yet, but hes deffo coming, he probs doesnt know it yet though
  16. Joe_Elding


    Do they come in 20'' or just 19?
  17. THey come with 4 bolt mounts also http://www.vizbikes.co.uk/trialsuk/v1/?p=p...cts&cat=100
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