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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. If there all in one folder then you can just go add a folder or something?
  2. If i can get my thread sorted by then and it hasnt rained for a day or so before hand i probs will be about with Adrian
  3. I ll try and come, im in half term I think so it ll be pretty cool, just need to get some money together. my mates just gone to uni there so ill try and get him out.
  4. Theres a description on tartybikes isnt there? check there for some info. My mate got some today, from the looks of things there really grippy, and look pretty good aswell, can't help with much else though...
  5. Well good pictures, that drop down looks insane, f**k that. Also that lst picture pphwoar
  6. Nah ash is hench, he could probably go and ride completely naked without feeling cold if he wanted to.
  7. theres about 10 riders in woking, and 4 in Farnbourough that I know of, probs more around there though Edit: theres also a rider in brookwood
  8. forged. thats the higher of the two stems.
  9. Echo stem or onza tmaster/viz high rise. If anyone suggests a zoo stem I will personally hunt them down and rip there eyeballs out.
  10. http://www.multimap.com/map/photo.cgi?clie...amp;coordsys=gb If you looks on that, just up a little bit from the red circle, on the bend of the river, thats lloyds, basically these big white steps, near waterfront. zoom out on that map and youll see roads/whatever.
  11. Trials isnt actually that hard though? I mean most people can get backhopping in about 1/2weeks and most ''chavs'' will find that impressive, and continue doing it?
  12. Janson impersonator. awesome pics.
  13. Evening all. I was watching the six o clock news on ITV today and they did a coverage on the 2012 olympics, specifically the new sports starting in it, and on popped biketrials, There were people on a limeys in the background (im guessing danny b/ ben s?) and then they went on to an interview with ryan leech. so if there right Im guessing that trials is going to be in the olympics, which not only doing wonders in the sport would also be preety cool Thoughts?/more info?
  14. Maybe, got a party on both fri and sat before though so might be late
  15. Where you all getiing torrent from? I was searching this morning and the one i usually use (t######spy) only had episode 00?
  16. nice one breh, youre well good at manuals I dont think the sidehops or taps showed how good you actually are at them though? that 180 front back front 180 thing was sick though.
  17. I havent played on ps2 for about a year now but when I used to I had both. Fifa i reckon is more of a mates game as its more fun and also slightly easier. Pes i play on my own and do theseasons etc etc.
  18. reall good vid, those taps to front wheel were beasty, you could actually hear the front wheel hit in one of them lol. hook was massive too, and some of those sidehops. Awesome (wasnt keen on song though)
  19. Theres something about your gap to front style that makes me laugh everytime i watch it, sorta looks like youve f**kked it up but you havent. looks beautiful IMO. awesome video
  20. Just ride reading UNI isnt that good with loads of people anyway.
  21. Joe_Elding


    Just clicked it now, looks pretty cool, nice and professional. Koxx monsterboy complete £1295 isnt that redicoulously cheap for koxx?
  22. If you cant get any custom wants but still want shot of the circular thing then you can use two of the bottom mounts instead of one top/one bottom.
  23. I'd say king theyre only a tenner more than hope, and Imo are a lot nicer than them. My fsa pig snapped as did my fsa orbit pro. to be honest Id never run anything worse than a hope.
  24. WOW, that was forking brilliant, everything about it just that bail at the end made me sqweek lol. B :bow: :b :bow: :bow:
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