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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. I didnt really like it sorry, I wasnt keen on the second and third songs and I thought it all sort of dragged on a bit. The riding was incredible though
  2. M5 x 0.8, as for who can do it, I dunno, just go looking around industrial estates near you or something.
  3. there wasn't really a difference in power on the two I was on, they were both f**king powerful, I just felt that the marta had a nicer feel, and felt a lot more solid than the hope, and also the martas (I have found) to be a lot less temperamental than the hope. but still, neither of them are gonna be bad disc brakes.
  4. IMO magura martas are better than hope mono trials.
  5. Awesome video, really really cool, deffo get a longer one out soon. LOL at Rowans bail.
  6. aweosme vid, I half expected the tony hawks 'combo' bar to start flashing up after some of those lines. Insane ness.
  7. his mum doesn't let him get trains. I dont think i can come now, my brake is properly f**ked, if I can get it sorted early tomorrow ill try and come.
  8. you were talking about a trialsforum member who youve never met on msn with your friends. GAAAAAAAAAY
  9. Do they have to be skate shoes? my old airmax hi tops were really grippy and amazingly comfy aswell.
  10. I don't really like it sorry, I thought that the design was too 'busy' and cluttered up yet the actual content is too bland and brief.
  11. Does it get you to a page where it says sam wheeler and then Dan jones underneath? left click on sam wheeler and t takes you to another page with the video Great video sam, I've been waiting for this since you showed me some clips on the reading ride agees ago, that sidehop and then ride along the rail and massive gap to block and then up to front in oxford where the nuts. Music worked brill too, Bristol on Sunday? EDIT: look at how long adrians hair is at 1:42!!
  12. Im grinding my rim, incase it rains on this ride, butchering my zoo pads in the process. cannae wait man.
  13. i like gays, this gay guy at our school spent £300 pound on alcohol and invited like 200 people to his flat for a party it was amazing. Although thats the only gay person I've ever met so I can't really base my opinions on anyone else.
  14. Nice pics whereabouts is that?
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