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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. he means 10th december. But illl be there.
  2. Will they fit bikes in the back?
  3. I REALLY dislike ashtons, I rode my mates for a few days when i was thinking o moving to stock and it was horrid, first off it was rediculously sluggish on the backwheel and for gaps and taps it felt like youd put all the power through and it would just get absorbed by the frame, rather than actually go into moving the bike. Ive had a go on porters aswell and it felt pretty much the same. I've never ridden a zenith for longer than 5 minutes, but th one i had felt mint, I'd go for that
  4. [attachmentid=8209] Does anyone know how to make it so that the image centres on the are above the taskbar? mines centred so that if i put the start bar thing down its in the the centre rather than when its up( which it always is)?
  5. Nice, Major respect for using that song, way prefer it to all the screamo stuff you see about nowadays.
  6. HA repost. Good work though
  7. My friend got the zoo mod cassette hub a few weeks ago, and its mint. it feels exacctly the same as my profile (seeing as it pretty much is) and hsnt skipped riding every day since he got it
  8. angle grind their bmxes and then kickhop on there faces.
  9. He'll be on one wheel unless his wrist has magically healed. Im hopefully gonna be there, i said id help my dad with some charity thing in manchester on Sat and were staying the night at his mates, ill try and get him to leave at like 7 so i can get here for 10 30 / 11
  10. Don't Norwich direct( i think that there name) the ones with the red phone on wheels on there advert ) do no added claims for there named drivers now? i think i heard that on the advert anyway...
  11. My mums got this tape that you put in and a wire comes out of it and plugs into the mp3 player and just plays throuhg the tape player of the headunit. seems to work alright
  12. i'm debating with myself getting both ears stretched to about 4mm. Ive definatley decided to pierce them both at the start of christmas holidays, not sure about the stretching though...
  13. Really? i always remembered you being taller than me. io think im about 5. 8?
  14. there was this really tall guy on a london ride once, he was at least 10foot tall, didnt catch his name though, friends with spode?
  15. I think he means at the end of the last episode of season 2, where the people in the plane ''found him'' i.e desmond.
  16. Joe_Elding


    Adrians Zhi 2 bolt seems pretty rigid, if you want 4 bolt though you may aswell wait a bit, seeing as you cant ride anyway.
  17. that bit in nick goddards section when you looked through the rail and he tapped one next to it was beautiful. can't wait
  18. I enjoy riding with the john shrewsbury sorta style, but i don't enjoy watching it to be honest, its sortof like a mediocre medium between big and bmx? I prefer watching damon/ cls etc.
  19. Baiscally, from waterloo station turn left and walk out until you get to a bridge over a main road, go along the whole length of the bridge and then go down the steps at the end, its then like 10m to the sloped walls.
  20. he also says: ''f**k off krisboats with your goofy glasses and batty shirt, ugly b*****d'' Quote from JoeWhite.
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