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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. Hes older than you? i thought hw was about 15
  2. I feel proper rough. nit sure if ill be able to make it
  3. Joe_Elding


    Xtp actually looks pretty cool despite the fact its a unicycle Adamant looks mint, get it built.
  4. Im wrong then. I just heard from what I thought was a reliable source that it was a similar thing to yaabaa :$
  5. Is that Him and Gilles that have gone from MBK to koxx then? I know MBK is a subbrand of koxx but still...
  6. 2 Chains and a crossover in 2 years.
  7. Theres loads of dece undercover spots. Weathers looking buffting at the moment though. OH YEH DO NOT RIDE AT THE STATION YOU WILL GET AN ON THE SPOT CRIMINAL DAMAGE FINE.
  8. Id be up for that. been hassled bare ting about riding Southend.
  9. Ive gotten two of thos Victorine omah emails today.
  10. Joe_Elding


  11. Awesome. Congrats mate glad to hear it all went (relatively) easily.
  12. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 ^ 6 numbers, meaning she should have taken six pounds out of the till. I think
  13. stay ginger. i like ginger hair.
  14. onza T-bird - Christmas 2004, complete bike, sold. Echo Team frame - Mayish 2005. Sold. Gu typhoon frame - bought about may 2006. current. been riding 2 years this chrisstmas.
  15. Also - The Album Leaf. Edit: Jamie T aswell.
  16. Joe_Elding


    9 a's hopefully. realistically will be b's in french and tech though.
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