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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. To be fair trialnoir everyone on here knows you spout bullshit a lot of the time so no ones going to believe you.
  2. Thats Awesome, my whole family will be watching...
  3. Joe_Elding


    What we're dealing with here is a total lack of respect for the law.
  4. [attachmentid=8682] That 'SH' bit is meant to say ash...
  5. Quick phone pic: [attachmentid=8681] what the f**k is up with that
  6. Joe_Elding


    Everybody is in the place.... .... let's go.
  7. I was riding in my reebok classics for 2 years and they were perfect.
  8. What I did was hit the bolt with a screwdrive/hammer as far down as you can reach it so it pushes the little metal circle at an angle giving it some grip on the actual star part. And then just unscrewing it...
  9. Chris walker by the sound of things... video the fight, should be fun.
  10. Joe_Elding


    I know what the f**k was everyone on yesterday. Most unfunny thing I'd ever seen.
  11. Hi, I left my helmet on the train a week or so ago and it's not looking likely i'm gonna get it back, sooo.... I'm gonna be asking for one for christmas and saw this one on CRC: Full info. I'm only really going for this one over something more recent because of the colour/design. But is there a decent reason why I should get a more recent one? As far as I can tell there isn't any major differences with fitting system/structural design or whatever but I thought I'd ask just incase...
  12. Joe_Elding


    If you link to a website from the gabbly chatbox itself it opens up a gabbly on that page, so usually you get the whole trials forum crew on a page thats been linked in the chat box.
  13. Joe_Elding


    If you link to a website from the gabbly chatbox itself it opens up a gabbly on that page, so usually you get the whole trials forum crew on a page thats been linked in the chat box.
  14. What's worse is how English people think they are 'cool' because they can't spell.
  15. Wagwhan = hello whats gwarning = whats happening pussio = pussy battio = gay tings = vagina buffting = good looking girl safeting = good banged up = beaten up shanked/slashed = stabbed nougat = pound voda = phone EDIT: naa mean? = you know what i mean? mirked = beaten up arms house = fight banger = gun Bare golden chickendem = a meal, usuall golden chicken type restaurants or al pasha kebab Many/bare mandem = a lot of people Many/Bare heads = a lot of people ends = where you live, defined by the first part of your post code. reppin GU21(or any post code) = the 'ends' that you would fight for. bop on down to = go to f**kting you're = are you serious? backing up = fighting for. Nah long = no that involves to much effort. Longting = effortful Chatting breeze = chating shit. allow that = no lets not do that. 'low me one of them = give me one of them.
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