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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. I think ive ridden with you before? in Woking with Adrian, i was on the GU mod? definately the guy on the echo pure anyway. I really like that pictue going up to front on the rail, others are cool to. When you come to woking I wouldnt mind tagging along?
  2. I try not to spread it around. especially around you lot. f**king anti semite c**ts.
  3. Joe_Elding


    where dyu get the book from?
  4. my f**king jewish school decides to make my half term a week later than everyone elses Ill try and bunk. just to see you Joe.
  5. i had to get a 12'' tv out of the loft and sit on my window sill with the aerial out of the window to watch that. bit of a disappointment but it was alright i suppose.
  6. add that to the fact you actually managed to get home and go and the computer rather than pass out and its a double fail.
  7. ''oi dont call my sister waste gash'' that was my favourite bit. yesterdays episode was a bit of a let down to be honest.
  8. much much much much much much much much nicer. actually looks brilliant.
  9. Yer i know what you mean. i split my magura hose like 2 weeks ago and i just dont feel motivated to fix it so i can get out riding again. its too cold and wet.
  10. Joe_Elding


    Best day EVERR someone had written on the big white board at the beginning of school to register and then go down to bushy park. so pretty much are whole school went down to a massive park near us and had a huuuuuuge snowball fight which by about 2 pm just resulted in an all on all actual fight, my hands and face are bruised...
  11. Joe_Elding


    got about 4'' here and its still snowing. definately enough for a good old ruck at school
  12. arghhh it works for me.... erm i dunnno ill try it again if not just wait tiil the youtube is done.... is it working for anyone?
  13. ctrl f5? it is when i click it?
  14. ALright, found some clips lying about so banged em all together, no music. Including the sketchiest st pauls gap ever and me looking down right ugly in a few of the clips. but yer enjoy xxxxx. Download: CLips.WMV it ll be on youtube once it finishes processing...
  15. lets f**king do it. simpson im up in two weekends time if you read? staying in the doctors mess with my mum, and about 20 PROPER fit 20 year old nurses. we could go out on the pull saturday night and then ride sunday?
  16. Safetings. Ill be up from like saturday evening til like monday if youre settled and feel like mincing some street? this is in two weekends.
  17. Joe_Elding


    That would be f**king great.
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