ahahahahhahahahaha, thats excellant, i shat on someones windscreen whilst i was drunk once and it turned out they were looking at me from the co op window. never: smoke copiuos amounts of weed, or drink copious amounts of absinthe, and then try and climb as high up a tree as you can, fall out, and break both your wrists. wait until its traffic lights and surround a car whilst throwing eggs at it. shoot bb guns at the old peoples home down your road. cut down a tree near your house and lay it across the road so no one can drive past. blow up a lynx can, it WILL blow through the metal bin you threw it in and WILL smash your next door neighbours window. try to scare someone by setting fire to the bush next to them, it WILL set two acres of french national trust land on fire, resulting in A LOT of fire engines, and a fair amount of time 'speaking' to a french policeman.