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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. theres a girl i had a drunken night of sex with a few weeks ago, and now i like her, and from what her friends have said she likes me? but i dont really know how to go about it because it will be well awkward on the whole ''first date'' thing and stuff? buuurrrggh
  2. oh my days. your a beast. whats the song manns?
  3. theres isnt really any variation on the front for mods unless you go bmx tyres. on stocks i like between 1.8 - 2.0 so it doesnt feel like your steering a tractor.
  4. I went on holiday with her, and her brother is mates with one of my mates, so were basically related. ive also seen her boobies.
  5. ermmmm me? louises are f**king beast brakes. bike looks minnnnt
  6. haha grime music, excellant. good to see youve started listening to dece music steve...
  7. I like how you strateigcally have a folder covering your ''beautiful girlfriend''
  8. I think he lived in singapore (might have been hong kong?) until he was like 11 or 12, and then moved to london. not 100% if those details are right but its definately something similar to that....
  9. im gonna be doing maths, physics, tech a levels and then maybe photography as. i havent got a clue what i want to do with my life though, will probably be some sort of engineer i reckon though.
  10. nah its not, i didnt want to lose the calipers and it was easier to screw it onto the front than the back ones until i get a cable. ermmm spec im not really sure on, ill try and find out...
  11. Oh my. that Gtis a beaut. WELL jealous.
  12. Not being rude but do you have to do the,,, thing. And also the whole double spaced line thing. Gets a bit annoying.
  13. I love megamos. Nice bike mate!
  14. pm me your number now fooo. im coming up this weekend......................................
  15. www.myspace.com/joeelding just updated it )(I
  16. ahahahahhahahahaha, thats excellant, i shat on someones windscreen whilst i was drunk once and it turned out they were looking at me from the co op window. never: smoke copiuos amounts of weed, or drink copious amounts of absinthe, and then try and climb as high up a tree as you can, fall out, and break both your wrists. wait until its traffic lights and surround a car whilst throwing eggs at it. shoot bb guns at the old peoples home down your road. cut down a tree near your house and lay it across the road so no one can drive past. blow up a lynx can, it WILL blow through the metal bin you threw it in and WILL smash your next door neighbours window. try to scare someone by setting fire to the bush next to them, it WILL set two acres of french national trust land on fire, resulting in A LOT of fire engines, and a fair amount of time 'speaking' to a french policeman.
  17. Im probs gonna go to hook woods because i can walk there from my house, doubt im gonna ride though. efforttings.
  18. Wow chai that was really good. it feels like i havent ridden with you in ages, how long have you had that aorta? lets hook up and ride soon, we can cotch.
  19. trials uk doesnt load for me?
  20. any news on the mod one? or is it staying the same?
  21. That was amazing hahahahhaha
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