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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. ahaha that was mint. nice one. on a london ride fat pants tried doing that thing under one of those rails and hit his head and got knocked off the back haha.
  2. I like the 3 tier system, meeting new people/ teachers ever few years keeps you stimulated because its not like youve been in the same school for ages sorta thing. cant really say anything bad about the two tier thing though?
  3. how do you know them? jealous.
  4. erm probably not that late. if the weather stays alright might get the 8 30/ 9 ish train?
  5. didnt really like it sorry. ridin was alright. could of been more though, rather than all those mugshots.
  6. a tribe called quest. if there british?
  7. me. ish. as in ive ridden there 4 times.
  8. after school a year or so back someone was riding home on the pavement and a community support officer tried to fine him, the guy spat in his face and rode off. the guy tracked him through our school and he got taken to court. dont spit in policemens faces
  9. i used to get this. the way i found i could swallow them was proper engulfing them with saliva so it was more a ball of spit than a tablet. seemed to help psychologically
  10. did you say the guy was buying forks wayne? because i think martin was buying forks off him aswell? might be the same forks and hes taken money for both?
  11. havent ridden in too long. looking for a nice sunny ride in reading if anyones up for it? 11 at station.
  12. before i started going out with my gf we were at a house after a party and i was sitting on the stairs and she was like 1 below and i stood up and kneed her in the face by accident and she ended up falling like 4 or 5 steps. luckily she was drunk so it didnt hurt. then the next morning she was sitting next to me on the sofa and i fell asleep and had some dream that i just fell over. and i like twitched my arms outwards sorta thing n punched her in the face.
  13. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
  14. im going reading. got offered free tickets to leeds but couldnt be f**ked.
  15. Get the newest sony ericson phones.
  16. upload somewhere good. Please? it doesnt let me download off there.
  17. What? i swear he isnt even that built.
  18. Joe_Elding


    haha. keep wishing that, it might come true one day.
  19. haha trust ben cox to buy a butt plug.
  20. walked down that road today. It wasnt there
  21. ooo I've met Phil, yeh hes a safe guy. I'll vouch for him also.
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