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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. ash kennard and dan walker. fareham boys representttt
  2. yu should never go on your computer again and use the electricity to grow weed so your mum doesnt notice
  3. kool ross. that was sick, static to the roadside rail was buff. and you proper mirked london lol
  4. I ended up there for a couple days when i was in newquay 3 weeks ago, such a good place can just walk into peoples caravans and introduce yourself lol. i miss newquay
  5. yeh but your definition of ''coolness'' is different to everyone elses? (thats not meant to sound like it does) but koolness is subjective surely? but i know i (and probbaly people from around my area) would think people in trackies and a t shirt would look ''cooler'' than people in skinny jeans and skate shoes..
  6. Joe. im gonna get people to call me joseph from now on. im bored of joe
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. i love you danny your actually the most ridiculous member on this forum. on a related note. my mate swung at someone last night, slipped over on the grass he was standing on and knocked himself out on a bench
  8. look at her stomach ! shes f**king butters imo. wouldnt mind taking photos of her though
  9. Joe_Elding


    How can you say myspace is more functional than facebook? its slow, awkward to use, especially when people start using stupid backgrounds and formats so you have to spend 5 minutes looking around for the 'comment' button or whatever ...
  10. Battersea park is MINT for riding. not sure who lives around there though.. but theres some in surbiton which is on the queenstown road line i think?
  11. yeh near like a big white slab of concrete aswell? what times everyone gonna be getting therre in the mornign?
  12. same place as 05? deffo camp together id say...
  13. THeres also some little bits at the big sainsbury's down by the motorway/roundabout. but not much else unless you can get into one of the schools on hanworth road, where im guessing therell be some riding. Kingstons good. Richmond looks ok aswell, ive never ridden there though, down the river front outside tootsies by the twickenham/richomnd bridge. Also staines is quite good. Im not sure how youd get to all these places though, unless you can get bikes on the buses. Also if you wanna cycle down the hampton court/molesey way it looks quite good there.
  14. Preload straight. Lower the front lower. Jump upwards more than outwards. as ali says: jump in an arc
  15. GUTTED HAHAHAHA. do you hit your head on the tree lol? i havent seen u in ages man miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  16. Joe_Elding


    no you didnt no you dont
  17. err no. allow saying f**king stupid stuff like that again, its completely unnecesary. THats pretty much the same as me. i live in woking but spend weekends further in central london in the whole sortof chiswick/hammersmith/shepards bush/ealing/kingston area. its not as bad as other places (dagenham,penge[fat pants area]etc) but theres still quite a lot of crime and ting. in a fight in an under 18 club 3 weeks ago two people were stabbed and one died from it, a bouncer was knocked unconscious aswell (think how f**king tough bouncers are). its not too bad though, depends what you enjoy. i quite like the whole getting into fights/wathcing fights sorta thing but thats probably just my chav side showing through. between the major population of where im from (asians, black people and white people) there is pretty much no racism, at least not in the lower/working/middle classes anyway, all the beef is usuall about post codes and local off licenses/launderettes lol. there is some racism between the (newly moved) polish people though i think, although there all f**king tonk and scary so not much ever happens as a result of it lol.
  18. swear down the oh my god fat pant is 12 jokes stopped being funny about 20 years ago. I cant decide between 2 girls, and i dont wanna do something with 1 because sods law says ill then decide i ike the other one and get accuse of 'leading her on' again (whatever the f**k that means)
  19. well your not dead so you obviously havent had that much bad luck either!
  20. yeh lewishams not as bad as the reputation makes it out to be. can think of many places that are worse. id be up for a ride.....
  21. Newquay from 9th to 14th with the lads and girls from school. Turkey with the family for a week sometime in august. should be good get loadsssssss of fake lacoste and ralph lauren lol..
  22. had a bit of an accident with some hair dye on richmond green lol.
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