Im gonna have to disagree with you, i drop regularlyish (probably about 14/15 times a year, for the last three years.) and Ive had a bad comedown once, and that was in newquay when i was picking up off a dealer i didnt know. but maybe ive just been lucky. But none of my friends have ever had THAT bad comedowns either. obviously your always gonna have a comedown, but its never been something id describe as worse than a severe hangover. But then this girl i know, used to drop and smoke weed regularly (weed more than pills) and was fine, but then her boyfriend died (fell out of a window at her house) and she turned to coke, started slowl at first but worked up to about a gram a week at the worst. and she was f**kED, literally she was having mood swings, would go through stages of just shaking and she was REALLY paranoid, used to think she could hear hr dead boyfriend etc. (bit of an extreme case but still), shes got off it now though and shes (near enough) back to how she was before. ALthough being honest, the short term effects of coke do actully look better than pills from wat ive seen. ive just been scared off.