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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. I love how everyones like '' o yeh ray teaches us stuff we can actually use'' Just incase you get lost on the way home from a ride, find yourself inside a tropical rainforest or uninhabitable mountain peak and have to craft a boat so you can get home safely? Yeh, id use that all the time.
  2. Yeh man had 2 x 1hours and got a two hour on wednesday. im shit lol...
  3. This was my favourite bit, your gonna be working full time AND at the end of one year only have like 2k to show for it at the end of the year lol. you could have well over that with a part time job + ema if you learnt to stop buying shit
  4. Series 2 starts on bbc 2 a week thursday, theres some catchup episode on this thursday. But i think the first 10 (maybe 11) eps have been on the internet for some time likee.
  5. Thought I'd bump this seeing as it starts again on BBC2 on thursday...I'm guessing most people have seen the first half of S2 though? anyone know when the second half'll be back? apparently the strikes ended...
  6. Joe_Elding


    Theres a lot more chance you'd reverse straight into him on a ride, pretty hard over the internet.
  7. Yeh i thought s1 was better than s2 aswell, tony never really got back to his usual self i did'nt which kind of ruined it for me. s3 should be interesting...Effy always has been the buffest in it.
  8. Saw one of my old teachers at wimbledon station after hed done it, he had to crawl up the stairs lol. Hopefully be doing it next year..
  9. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  10. Wheree? im guesssingg, morden? sheen? tooting? I'm so finding her, and then having sex
  11. don't really have an opininon on the video that hasnt been said, but f**k me that comment /\/\/\ is stupid.
  12. equivalant to? thats how I've always heard them 'said' anyway
  13. Can anyone explain why there is the monostable AND and astable 555 circuit? The circuit works in livewire, you push the switch, the dice rolls through the numbers for a certain amount of time at a determined speed,and stops at a random point. Also Ijust realised the far right and left is cut off, on left is a fixed 9v power supply, and right is just 7 LEDs arranged in a dice formation.. thanks
  14. I got a VIP ticket, debating whether to sell it on ebay and then buy a standard one? reason being its not (apart from dizzee) my type of music, and it would be wasted on me when id probably just spend the whole time in standard camping anyway... simpson ring me a couple days before im definately seeing you!!
  15. Joe_Elding


    When im on the phone and people are watching me i always fiddle with my earring. when i talk to peopl ive just met or teachers i always ruffle the back bit of my hair up. standard biting nails..
  16. My bollox would fit in your mouth just fine danny, dont worry about it
  17. lol. what would happen if we met then? youd intimidate me with your rawww sidehopping POWER?
  18. alright danny. ''hi everyone, im danny kearns, 20 years old, still a virgin and never had a real girlfriend. like to make out that im some badman to people on trialsforum to gain there respect, on most counts it has proved successful, and have gotten the nickname of danny ''speacial k'' kearns. I enjoy my life, following fashion trends as they come, buying out the fred perry catalogue and declaring myself a chav(so what, right?) and have now moved on to thew superman t shirt and cap, which i have never taken off as they are a neccessity in the myspace photos/30 second black and white video teasers. as you can tell from my virginal, single status it clearly works well for me. Danny. ''
  19. it would be alright if it wasnt just danny kearns and danny swindlehurst posting near identicle tucks on near identicle hieghts walls every few hours so everyone thinks there sickk or something. trials is shit
  20. Joe_Elding


    HOW the f**k is he not blacklisted yet? i was blacklisted for sending out something two weeks two late, yet this guys still allowed to go in classifieds! wayyy unconsistent.
  21. the green hope/onza outfit has put me off ever riding trials again
  22. Off topic again, but do you know rebecca burraaway or james lloyd? there both first yearss
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