How can 1 pill last a Whole night? from experiance i know the effect will wear of after around 3 to 4 hours, i've always known the standard to be a double drop first off, followed by 1 every hour.
Same With comedowns, Ive seen one that was gone completely within a couple of hours (like completely gone, not wear the effects seem to die down before coming back again) and again ive seen comedowns lasting up to and over 3 days like you said.
The thing with E is that you cant state facts like youhave, because every single one is different.
The only drugs dealers ive managed to get friendly with are in the majority really clever, yeh you''ll obviously get a couple of idiots but to get somewhere in the grind you've gotta have some brains.
EDIT: just realised what ive said has been said elsewhre in the tyhread, my bad.