Ive seen close friends of mine affected so much by weed, and ive definately noticed a change in myself since i started smoking it, i always mix the first letters of consecutive words round so instead of 'head boy' ill say 'bead hoy' not even when im high anymore just on a pretty regular basis,and other stuff like just generally having a slower understanding of things a bit like my brain is just constantly at like 60% working.. even family who i dont see that much have picked up on it. It is NEVER gonna be good for you, i still smoke it on a regular basis however. i know i shouldnt but im at the stage where it ll take a lot of willpower to quit - which i cant be bothereed for atm. soon though. Obviously not gonna reccomend it, but if you wanna try do not let it get past a certain stage. straight up set your limits to how much and how often you smoke it or you will notice a negative long term change.