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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Joe_Elding

  1. best video this year - and the only thing thats actually made me want to ride trials since like 2006
  2. as its winterr.... appreciate the craftsmanship lyrics interactin with the beat to form a partnership developing a skill i need to use, and start enhancing it got lines to make your carcass split find your stash and dart with it and if you dream of being better, then depart with it i aim above the clouds the lords heavens where my target is
  3. It depends where on the bottle it hits and where in the face/head, ive been knocked unconscious by being hit on the top of the head with the very bottom of a champagne bottle that didnt smash, if your getting hit in the top of the head you want it to smash, if your getting hit in the face id happily take geting a raw bruise if it didnt than the f**kload of blood youd get if it smashed.
  4. Have a legs day, your arms back and chest arent gonna grow as much as youd like unless your doing some major squattage aswell.
  5. I saw it in richmond. was alright..... just realised it was like a week ago lol, so probs nothing to do with this.
  6. lol your shit blad man could do that gap at castle park wen man was 14 blad dnt watch lmaox
  8. slightly off topic but im probably gonna do a maths masters, will it still be possible to go down the engineering road after this or will i HAVE to do an engineering degree. because im at a stage where i have no idea what i want to do and maths seems like it leaves more options for me.
  9. thats the shittest thing ive ever read i cant believe i just wasted 30seconds reading your f**king shit you f**king noob
  10. ive just shaved my arsecrack, missed bare hairs though and its gone all spotty and ingrown, any one wanna see pictures?
  11. apart from those big marble stair sortof things with grass inbetween each one, where else is there to ride?
  12. Have been reading this from the start but really not know what to say, hobbsie was one of the few people id meet on a ride who id happily invite on a night out with me. hes easily one of the jokest people ive known, and had a way of being friends with anyone he met. R.I.P man, youll be missed
  13. if that happened and you caught it it will stay in your mouth, so youll probs get coldsores, but its unlikely for it to pass from your mouth to your nob, unless of course you had sex with her because then its pretty likely.
  14. lol, in my defence i was mid yawn.
  15. they dont actually call it a rave, thats just fattys word for 'mediocre partys'
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