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Blacklisted Trader
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About Joe_Elding

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Joe Elding
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo team frame Echo team Forks Zoo Bar + Stem RonniE/Reggie Rims Magura Hs33 F+R

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  • Location
    London -

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Joe_Elding's Achievements

Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. What about if it instantly made you 5 years older when you accepted it..?
  2. I did 28 13 hour days in a row this summer at Wimbledon tennis, very demanding but once your in the routine its not too bad, youve just got to fight the instinct to go and get drunk as soon as your first pay check comes in...
  3. Yeh so do I, he never should of left Swansea
  4. Champions League is back and arsenal are about to do over Montpellier, what more could you want!!? Predictions for this season? Whos got a fantasy team?
  5. I'd stick with LG or Samsung with TVs because they're the only brand which remote and guide interface doesn't drive me mad. There's a store on eBay doing brand new lg 32" TVs for £189.99, I bought one a few months and it's been absolutely perfect
  6. Because its the ideal opportunity to upgrade? Also a chance to buy better locks, if your £2000 monty got stolen would you replace it with a t-pro?
  7. My bike got stolen last night and cycling to and from east london for the olympics so need a new bike ASAP. Got a grand to spend and want something basically top of the range - so i appreciate this puts a full on geared road bike out of the equation. What fixie/ singlespeed companies are there to look at? ive seen the charges but are there anymore? thanks
  8. Joe_Elding

    The Gym

    Cut that bagels out or replace it with a slice of wholegrain bread!
  9. So you trained chest and back on the same day?? how could you hit a d-bol cycle and not get any shoulder gains? sounds like you train wrong. Im not getting involved in the steroid debate but if you're still looking for protein have a look at CNP Pro-Reptide, by far the best ive used (taste and gains) although it is a lot more expensive than your standard myprotein/maximuscle stuff (which i would avoid purely because of the shits/dodgy farts it gave me )
  10. Who was that pikey bitch a long long long time ago? the essex girl? think she turned up modelling for men and motors a few years ago?
  11. Been out of trials for a long long time now, but after living in Bristol for a year I've decided I need to get started again. Still got most of my bike just need brakes and a replacement frame for my ko-bike (haha). What's good these days?? The echo team on tartybikes looks almost the same as the one I had in 2004!! And then what about all these new stupidly named frames like because,neon and born?? I've never heard of any of these companies. So what's good? Looking for something relatively long and strong. Gonna jump straight in at the top end as well don't wanna have to upgrade for a long time. So basically are all these new company's worth a look or shall I stay safe and reliable?
  12. Anyone else heading to love saves the day festival in bristol?
  13. if it doesn't factorise easily use the quadratic formula
  14. Got this email through today, usually i would outright ignore it but i actually bought something off ebay the other day for the first time in ages. the email adress is 'users@ebay.co.uk' what dyu reckon??
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