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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. I was only hinting for a vid to come out . Mat
  2. Get a small vid out, just for the pads... Yano.. Mat
  3. Mint vid, propper good editing. Keep it up. Mat
  4. f**kin' beast. OH DEAR!!! Download.com Mat
  5. Lmao, wtf Biff? haha. Your mum is the best come back... Ever. Mat
  6. WOW. How'd you get up it then????? What is the point.. Seriously. Mat
  7. 18:13 with my King BMX, 165 cranks, feels loooooooverrrrrleyeeyyyyyy. But yeah, 18:12 is more or less the same. Mat
  8. Haha lol it rides beautiful, really does. Snapped my KMC today, so it's chainless.. Even better. Mat
  9. Downloading now, hold the phone . I bet it's shit, just 'cause robs on it, what a bike . OONLY JOOOOKING. EDIT: Ooooo Rob, that was vey clever , mint video, your better than I thought. I've got some improving to do. Mat
  10. Waddys was mint, was really good. Koxx rim, and the smaller coust pads. Really loud 'n' everything. Mat
  11. Change after about a year, or if it snaps/cracks. Mat
  12. It'll get sorted lol, it's only been like that about an hour, be reet. Gonna' strip/paint the rim, bored of the pink, I knew it'd get boring lol. Mat
  13. Yeah there alrightey, about the same as your blues, abit less noise, about same grab and hold... All good. More comments? EDIT: To the post above, I set them up but I think they may have moved, they still work just as well and arn't waring at angles, so I'll fix it tomorrow morning, I obviously didn't do the bolts up enough, new frame yano.. Mat
  14. He's put the sticker on. Bike looks like Craig, give it some shit lol. Mat
  15. Best = Iolo pads, Foam Grips(but not long lasting, just awsome) Worst = Kool stops?? erm yeh.. Mat
  16. Sorted it, washed them with fairy liquid, rinced, sanded, set them up, dragged around, noise, bite, hold. PUUUUUURFIIIIIK Iolopads, best evaaaaaaz
  17. Echo Lite... Too heavy... Does he have an XTP now? Mat
  18. Well, I killed my T-Mag at last : [attachmentid=6499] New: Iolo yellows, set up shaft 'cause I wanted to ride. HEECOOOOOO. Pretty comments please. Mat
  19. How about we un-validate you and validate him, that would be a plan. Can't download the vid, 10kbps wooo. I'll get it later. Mat
  20. Lookin' good Alex man, you've improved a fair bit. Mat
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