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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. Yeah, he's done it, looks f**kin minta hahaha. Oh dear, it's acctually a good job. Mat
  2. There both XTP's? . Nice riding dude, your improving alot. Mat
  3. Yeah rides AMAZINGLYLYLY better, my t-mag had like 30 bb, this has 70. Waaaay better. Well worth the change . Thanks for the comments, any more? Mat
  4. Nice one Squince mate, ride it well . Mat
  5. You've got a really good riding style Peter, but why only you with the helmet? I really don't see the point in riding without a helmet . Mat
  6. Lol, I was thinkin' about this topic the other night, maybe a line around your area which hasn't been done, and could be done by CLS or something? Maybe another topic, I cba to make . Might get some pics sometime. Mat
  7. I have one 19" wheel and no seat, I am also under 16... So feck right off. Works... Chavs are fine around here, just don't get on the wrong side of them and there fine, don't act like the peices of shit, even if they are. Mat
  8. Gooooooorgeous. White goes nicely. Mat
  9. Stem?? Way too high, are you like 9ft? Not bad otherwise, Onza forks? Leave it black, looks nice. Mat
  10. It's got 108.3 . Well, I'm sure thats what it has anyway . Be reet, lots of people on the forum have them, and seem quite pleased, once you can get it onto the crank, some people had problems. But for 50 quid, it's not like there crap, there just open bearings? I think. Mat
  11. Was good, I liked it, new bike looks nice 'n' all. Good riding, and editing. Mat
  12. Check the tire . Silver rims Shit day.. Mat
  13. Your getting better, but I didn't really like the vid to be honest, wasn't a fan of the song either. But good riding. Mat
  14. Only played the first second for me?? Probs just be my computer. Mat
  15. Rob... Your an idiot hahahahhaha. Hope they work out well for you. Mat
  16. Shit, mines better. I'm just playin . Nice bike mrs Biff, get some silver cranks though, maybe green rim tape, greens still tooooo much with them cranks. Mat
  17. Reminds me of the 04? pr or something. I don't really like it but meh.. Mat
  18. I noticed you were fairly harsh in that vid, espesh the gap, must of killed that Ronnie . I'm a fairly harsh rider myself, but I seem to get bigger if I bosh it harder. Just over do your body movements, and it should come naturaly. Sidehop looked alright, keep trying. You pre-loaded sooo much for it. EDIT: Try kicking more, and pulling up loads, keep putting more pallets on top, you will improve. Maybe if you got a Mod it might help aswell Mat
  19. I was just expecting something ultra good and professional being sponsored 'n' everything, just looks rushed, or maybe it's just me? Anyway, good job for acctually bringing one out, I like the photo's. Mat
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