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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. Errr t-mag 05 lol, then echo lite, now zoo python. Mat
  2. Pretty mint video, liked it alot lol. Matx
  3. j-e-a-l-o-u-s. hehe. Mat
  4. What the f**k did he do at the end , was pretty big, but yeah. Mat
  5. LMAO, deng is really light, strong, good quality,cheap. Monty is light, weak, bad quality, expencive. Oh dear.. Lol. Mat
  6. Right, 165-170 cranks probs best bet, 160 are... Boring Youll need a 12 tooth rear, 18tooth font, no matter what you have, freewheel, freehub. Cranks id go for echo, zoo or tensile, try all something. Forks, monty 221pr will be fine, echo/zoo range are really good too. Bar and stem, monty 221ti is a really good choise, can get pr stems which are basicly the same, and some ti bars. Or Onza stem, and them Onza alloy bars. Mat
  7. Aspirevelotech, or if you send it to king they might send you a new one, dont overtighten spokes. Mat
  8. MAGURA, and a DENG at that? oh dear Alistair, I'll have that in a week, cos we all know you wont be sticking with it, aswell as that hope, and then soyo grips were awsome, i need some new ones . Matx
  9. Like all the montys on street and Zoos on rocks yeh? lol Yeah anyway. Mat
  10. Why does Chai to to the wrong foot on rail sidehops but not walls? wtf lol. Nice vid neways. Matx
  11. I liked it, pretty good dude. Mat
  12. Build it up, if it rides nice its 05, rides really wank, its 06. It's 05 btw. EDIT: Dan, none of them are 07 pitbulls. Mat
  13. added you to msn, mattyboy_69_@hotmail.com. Mat
  14. I'll swap ur rear rim for an onza hog if you dont like it? lol. Mat
  15. Mint, knew I'd get first haha. Awsome pics, looked a good day but i couldnt go . Matx
  16. u love mine , ive got a pic of u on my echo, ive got lots hehe. Mat
  17. Rim, grips, pads, levers, and cranks if i really wanted, although its all fine, thats what ill be needing next, oh and a helmet. p.s anyone got say 200 quid i can have? Mat
  18. Erm yeh, 41" taken by my gf, shes awsome. Mat
  19. Mint Ali, ill scratch it for yooou Mat
  20. Biketrialco Trialsman Mat
  21. Ali will replace it for u, probs your magura cylinder or something .. Mat
  22. hahaha looks WANK. Mat
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