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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. awsome vid, thank f**k you got away from that 26 haha, nah well good dude, love youx Mat
  2. a mod ISN'T a stock. End of..... lol. Deary me. Mat
  3. Lol, wtf, just leave it . Wipe around your rim if your break doesnt work, if theres nothing wrong with it then leave it. Matx
  4. I've got it ik ed. Talk on nsm. . Matxxxxxxx
  5. That disk rotor really really annoys me for some reason, but nice ridin haha. Mat
  6. Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . Matx
  7. that is a 221.. lol, ooooooooooooh you mean Ti, because they are exactly the same, same geo and everything, just not titanium parts when fully built etc. Mat
  8. My mates front one did it lol.. Matx
  9. You f**kin beast, downloadzin now. Leeds yeee. Omfg you make me cum , vid of a lifetime, seriously. Nearly catchin up too me now haha, bum u later. Matxxxxxx
  10. Both long, easyer took. Mat
  11. Cant see it fitting an 05 t-mag frame lol, its chainstays are huuuuge. Looks good though.. Matx
  12. propper gd, saw u in leeds few weeks ago i reckon. Matx
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=99548 It has indeedddddd. Mat
  14. Your current bandwidth reading is: 1.93 Mbps which means you can download at 246.73 KB/sec. from our servers. LOL. Matx
  15. Have they lasted more than a week? Mat
  16. Get about 6-7 pallets and you'll be good. Just start on 2, and learn technique, then start to get bigger, more controled, try to took the bike up as much as possible to get higher. Just takes time to be able to shift your body weight into the right possition n stuff. Good luck. Matx
  17. Mint, looks like u ad fun wad n ali. Matxxx
  18. washing up liquid and warm water, on rim and pads, just clean everything, then sand over the pads, and maybe your rim? lol, try abit of tar aswell, then ride around with the brake on to bed in or whatever. Matx
  19. Me n some lads from round here are coming aswell i reckon, my gf will probs come too, she enjoyed the last one. cya there , goin to get moved on like at chrimbo but ah well. Matx
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