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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. I asked for a tracking number and he said he didnt have one, he just sent it first class and hes got another one for me just incase it is lost or summet cos he got it off deng , i live like 40 mins away or something and i do have his adress, but he wont text back so i dunno if hes in or anything because id go to hull and get it or meet him in leeds or something , but he isnt texting back, or trying to get in contact with me, i rang him the other day and he didnt answer, and then he rang me back 2 seconds later and didnt say anything to me just put the phone down. Not trying to get damon in shit here or anything cos ive ridden with him and hes fine, just dunno why its not here n stuff doesnt seem normal. Matx
  2. Still not here, aparently lost in the post and hes got new stuff from deng for me, doesnt come on msn doesnt reply to texts. Supposed to be going to meet him to get it off him, hopefully was this weekend but obviously not, will be a month and a half by next weekend lol.. Matx
  3. How much is it worth or how much you could sell for? sell for about 500 worth about 700, probs spent about 1200 if bought all brand new n stuff. Mat
  4. Ask Ali C, ive seen loads of him with this sort of stuff. Matx
  5. Mat Smith!

    Ret Bail

    Fak, hes a raw monster though. Matx
  6. Mat Smith!

    Bristol Clips

    It'll be on my youtube in a bit, it hasnt finished processing yet, there is already a max t video on there, but its the old one so just wait and itll come. Youtube. Matx
  7. Mat Smith!

    Bristol Clips

    I love you max t, got sooo good and i dunno how or why ur a big bully, but ur cats better . Matxxx
  8. Nice one danny, was waiting for aaaaaaages. Riding has improved alot . Matx
  9. 2 inch fak. try bolting a lever blade ontop of the other leverblade or whatever, to make it longer, ask iolo about it, he extended his magura one like that and it was pretty long. Matx
  10. How long is your left hands fingerererers? or do you not hold onto the grip . Looks nice anyhow. Matx
  11. Tuckaaaaage mate, haha that looks so weird. Matx
  12. From the bottom . did it keep it or what? by keep it i mean on/off. bash, foot down. what? Matx
  13. Lol try re-read what i said, aswell as the quote... Dick. Mat
  14. There is another topic, and you have already posted in it, stop acting like a twat. Mat
  15. Ugggggly as anything, really is. Matx
  16. YOU DONT NEED TO TUCK WHEN GOING THAT BIG!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGOMOFMOFMOGGGGGOMFGGGGGG1!!!!!11111111111111111. Nice bike yeah, liked the pure alot too . Matx
  17. If its bent then it will ride differently , and if you wanted to sell it or something, it wouldnt be really trust worthy or get much attention towards it, being bent . Get dan to sort it out. Matx
  18. my blooo tooooth magyoura breakers. Mat
  19. The caliper goin to fall off the forks is it? if u pump too hard ticker haha, might want too tighten them bolts, unless u mean the pistons. Good guide though ^. Matx
  20. Half of your chains upside down lol, looks nice though, front magura must be shit with them pads, and that tyre! ah well. Matx
  21. Real good riding, gonna go reyt far . Matx
  22. Looks cool Mike, loved u ont stock though .. Matxxx
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