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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. Monty cranks are probs the worst cranks you can buy, id rather have onza. Matx
  2. Bent magura lever? looks mint, like the colour, old school. Matx
  3. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryQuick and easy, should be sent next day, coooool Given By: Mat Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were the: Seller Date: 1200355608
  4. doubt youll kill it, im sure its pretty much the same as a try all with diff holes lol, be finnnne. Matx
  5. boy, that chain needs re-newing, tryed the hot water trick? Matx
  6. you might think there set up amazing but there probs not, try set them up amazing and ride with them while there shit if there still wank after say 24 hours of riding properly then theres probs something up. Just put them through there full potential. Matx
  7. tpa all the way out? sounds like theres a leak . Matx
  8. brand new? how much thread did he have left after putting a bashring on or whatever? sounds weird. Matx
  9. gaps are soo smooth and i dont think ive ever noticed a tyre being so flat compared to yours, but i probs would if i was smooth haha. matx
  10. lewlllll looks mint, like the black ones better. Mat
  11. they look mint, motorbikes pffffffft. Matx
  12. cls did his in chalk i think, ive done it in crayon before comes off when miss sidehops n stuff lol. Matx
  13. seen waaay better from him . Matx
  14. rather have heavy and strong to be honest, damon can chuck it so whos fussed really. Matx
  15. id of thought most people would be out 2am-5am lol, nice piccies, sounds random as anything. Matx
  16. what about them yabaa thingys? made kinda by koxx or something, remember some having seats, dunno if there any good though. EDIT: Faaaaaaaak didnt read full topic. Matx
  17. was a really good video, good lines and good filming, song went well with ur riding tooo. Matx
  18. none of that looks 2nd hand? hardly a budget really, looks nice though get a khe collapse or kmc kool and zoobars, be sorted. Matx
  19. m6 with a 5mm bolt head usually, i think :\. Can get them from anywere really bnq, or any hardware store or whatever. Matx
  20. f***ing hell, been waiting years, deary me mint vids!. Matx
  21. Mat Smith!


    lmao. Drop gap looks minter, and paul get that wheel trued. Matx
  22. how much u getting this t-pro at trade for? and u planning on getting a better bike at/for summer? im sure if u put up a f/s topic people will help you out for cheap, i probs could if u needed summet that badly. Matx
  23. you may need to change the rear hub, cos thatll probs die pretty soon as the axles/barings are wank, frame will last u around a year i think, acs will die aswell, everything else will just ride shit :\. Matx
  24. god that song made my eyes bleed and you must go through so many rims a month, god ur harsh. Matx
  25. Thank you, looks even better bigger. Matx
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