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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. so true. unlucky about the bars. Matx
  2. dont like natural cos im shite at it, dont like street cos im shite at that too, i like my bed, i can sleep for ages.. meh i ride street more. Matx
  3. i wanted to do it, untill my body snapped in half, then just got an 05. Matx
  4. was pretty good, ur ridings gerrin better everytime. Matxx
  5. Thanks for posting them up of me danny . Matx
  6. New vid on its way sooooooooooooon . Mint riding danny . Matx
  7. lmao that was mint, keep the magura and get that rotor off haha ride soon. Matxxx
  8. no power at all..... not one bit. oh dear. loved it . Matx
  9. lmao, everyone says it rides nice, none of my bikes have ridden awful, i think your getting mixed up with chris, and since when did i have an mbk, since i made this post saying my bike was updated . Matx
  10. Lmao paul SUCH a beast, minttttttteeeeee riding. EDIT: king sounds mint, but thats kinda why i dont want to stretch my spring anymore lol. Matx
  11. mint, show how big the sidehops are though, gd look with next vid, music was good also. Matx
  12. safe search off is more fun . Theres also a stem lol. Matx
  13. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryProppppppaaaaaaa minted , was quick and easy, really nice lad, hope hes the next i deal with x Given By: Mat Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were the: Seller Date: 1202855700
  14. mechs reet, dont bash the mec so meh, front tyres not mine, neither is the wheel lol, and the bb7s good, was better before i put it ont bike, think its abit contaminated but yeah its mint, standard rotors or hope floating ones are best to be honest. Matx
  15. Reeeeeet another update, and more to come in a week or so . rides mint, love it, alot lighter than the last . comments please. Matx
  16. thats well nice, love the colour. Matx
  17. back up your argument please. Matx
  18. Mat Smith!

    Danny Kearns

    Right.. Danny asked me to upload this for him and he will add more in the morning. Edited by me in 2-3 days, along with sending clips. Dont ruin the thread by commenting about the sidehops or whatever, if you dont like them DONT WATCH. Anyway, more in the morning im off to sleep. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Matx
  19. i live inbetween manchester and leeds pretty much, ridden there before its okay, maybe we didnt go to good spots or something, could ride there for a day though i suppose lol.. Matx
  20. too many grinds/too harsh. thats f**k all, ive killed so many rims just by the sidewalls denting, run them untill u phsycally cant! Matx
  21. no, spray it black and get silver forks, will look well good. Matx
  22. Street : Ali, porter, ben travis, swindlehurst, damon, goddard, matt staples, max t Natural : Ali, porter, goddard, stan and most of the mod koxx riders. probs LOADS more but meh Matx
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