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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. kin gaps are huuuuuuuge alex, impressed with them, need to get yoursen a propper vid out . please? Matxx
  2. nah i dont want too . Matx
  3. i took around 30 and he said that 2 will do, and he had to pick them ones lol. Matx
  4. a bleed? heard magura louises are pretty gurd iii Matx
  5. 04 is longest, black mumba is a 04 copy . Matx
  6. how do u press your levers riding properly? looks well nice though =D. Matx
  7. never buyin from tarty again, adams a lier!!!!!!!!!111111111111 oh my god were all gonna die. Matx
  8. i recognise that room from somewere. bike looks minter. Matx
  9. very niiiiiiiiiiice that . should ride a beauti, what front pads u runnin? Matx
  10. is a nice picutre that, bit small lark . Matx
  11. front and back onza wheels? echo forged cranks, try all replica thingy bar + stem, hayes?? disk brake? hardly pimped, im sorry, looks good though. tarty takes there own pics, they could build to whatever "pimp" spec they want.. :). Matx
  12. i feel like im the only person who doesnt like it? something about it.. Matx
  13. same, ive had 2, never had any problems or skips. dont get pro 2s they skip!!!!!! (expect this to go on forever...) Matx
  14. 'Kin hell mike, vids well good, youve improved alot, get your bro to mek a vid too . Matx
  15. Jessups have most cheap ones in stock, go to a big store or something. Matx
  16. Really like that danny, looks well nice, youll see my new suprise soon . Ride soon x Matx
  17. I read that COMPLETELY wrong haha, oh dear, looks nice danny . Ride soon. Matx
  18. Front freewheel danny, your kiddin me lol, looks loverly though . Matx
  19. wee of a bump lol, any reason why u dont like it ash? and ta for the comment danny, will be ridin in the hols . Matx
  20. lmao thought it was you, front wheel touched before backwheel left the ground . Well good vid. Matx
  21. Tensioner thread i used that quite a bit recently. Matx
  22. so is your life, and btw, your not allowed an opinion anymore, end of. Mat
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