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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. same comes up with me when i try change my name lol, says im not signed in aswell . Matx
  2. yeah, was alright, how are them dob forks? feel any different to echo lites/urbans? Matx
  3. well you quoted danny, who was talking about my sidehop, and obviously came into your head by me posting a picture of just before the sidehop? lol. Mat
  4. i can hop on the spot? and stall . whats your point? lol. Mat
  5. nah viz hubs a reet , but any hub will do, the onza ones are pretty good too, get magura on the back with cnc reds or koxx greens, and get zoo bars and get a try all on the back and monty on the front, or both montys, try all fronts are gash. Matx
  6. 43inch, gash take off, steep uphill-ness. My bar heights abit over 40 btw, lmao. Matx
  7. the fact that the legs snap if you do anything over 5 foot gaps to front. lol. Matx
  8. lmao was pretty good, what happend to bill? i wanna ride sheff . Matx
  9. its an 05, and looks nice, reminds me abit of my mates old one. Matx
  10. Oooo thats nice, front end looks nice and high for a mod, good lad . Matx
  11. Lmao, what is there to be scared of? I'm not threatening Joe lol, he thinks he has power being a senior, which.. Isn't the case. If I wanted to put effort into my posts, I am capable of doing so. This forum has got really pathetic since a bit before christmas, hence not putting much effort into posts. Attention span of a fish? 0? How does that work? . I'd rather not bum Joe anyways, so yeah..... Bizzzzle. Mat
  12. i can lol, or i could i dunno if i can now, havent tryed, but seems weird not to be riding for koxx like max said, ah well. best of luck. Matx
  13. lmao the exact same comment as before, picking at spelling, shows your ability to use your brain so much , no come backs? why dont u just leave the topic and get on with your e-life. Mat
  14. i also have no idea why u are, your an simple c*nt. say it again, gtfo nubeee... Mat
  15. lmao picking at things like that really shows you have no come back, get the f**k out, of the topic. M to the A to the T
  16. Someone on msn: how much of a fanny is joe maher, lmao. if you post after this u suck l3zb0 w1lli3!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Mat
  17. wtf, bike looks massive on you, how tall are you? but what the hell riding was way better than last time, keep it up. btw for the next vid, try not to be so much like damon etc, try find your own style of editing and that, riding wise is fine though, everyone has an idol i suppose. Matx
  18. Just rememberd about this, watch this video, at around 6:00 . hope you enjoy. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=d2RLsN97KeA Matx
  19. how did you work that one out? zoo : 95 gu: 105. Matx
  20. im pretty sure that the forks are exactly the same but with mounts on the back, making the brake better, and the forks weaker. meh. Matx
  21. beau put it i at an angle, or glue it in and drill it out when u need to take it off and tap the mounts or just force a slightley bigger bolt in there, screws have like half a mill longer thread could use one of them, but be warned, you will need to tap it to a bigger size when you want to take it out, and then helicoil it. Matx
  22. you best of used CTRL + V on that one . EDIT: to the post below, you can get skinnies from top man for 15 quid or something lol. Mat
  23. can you not see the difference in clouds? thats why i re filmed it, cos the cloud wasnt were i wanted it to be right at that moment [/sarcasm] And because its a wee bigger without the pallet with the other on top and wanted to see if i could get it without the pallet... Mat
  24. was reyt good that, impressed, what next though? . and how big was the sidehop as the end? looked impressive. Matx
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