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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. koxx vinco right there. looking errm great.. Matx
  2. mintie rider, good vid danny. Matx
  3. Fat mike snapped/cracked/batterd a 06 control, mikes is an 04 i think. and he snaps everything. Matx
  4. OMGSSSSS like fav riders ever!!11111111111111111 mint, nice one ben. Matx
  5. Your gaps are massive, good work. Matx
  6. beast damon . Matx
  7. u cracked it already? bash head. looks minter though alex. cool colour . Matx
  8. Vids are good n that, but do you not know any other band than underoath? its used in like every one of your + your mates videos :\, not saying i dont like them, cos i do but meh... good skills, just try use summet different next time. EDIT: you hop so fast just before you preload, looks well weird lol, got alot better already it seems. Matx
  9. Mat Smith!

    Mike Hayes

    maybe cos people have to acctually try get stuff, unlike......................................^ Matx
  10. lmao your gonna kill that . looks really nice though. Matx
  11. lmao get a bmx? video was weird but meh. Mat
  12. Mat Smith!

    Mike Hayes

    it already is. Matx
  13. you run a half link chain? the whole point of not having to use a tensioner pretty much. but meh, looks cool. Matx
  14. lmao, seen it before but it IS funny. kearns ur opinion doesnt count. Matx
  15. lmao you cant tell me he bought it from t-uk? Matx
  16. Aye front cables abit toooooight. looks nice otherwise, i had a pretty similar spec on my 05 zoo. Matx
  17. Big riding, and no helmet, jesus. think you should make more with a better camera. Matx
  18. alis bike looks wellll nice. pics are looking good too . Matx
  19. Hah looking good, might aswell cut your bars down if your not gonna use them that much . Matx
  20. all my frames came threaded anyway. frame looks long as, geo? Mat
  21. Looks really nice, black front hub and silver bars would make it look even better. Matx
  22. 2009? or am i completely missing something? cool pics btw. Matx
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