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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. ROFL . get it sorted out, but yeah its a bt thingy what u was looking for for like a year. Matx
  2. download off there with jonmacks password n that. vids were beast inur. Mat
  3. f**k sake, got to get up tomorrow . Mat
  4. that would be out of order on mike? lol ali found the material first and i tested it, then he told mike and now mike sells them as phat pads or whatever, just search polyurathaine in ebay theres loads but you have to find the right compound, cant remember what it is though. Matx
  5. computrer decided to be a man and downloaded it, sounds like them pallets could do with a wee bit of WD40 on them . riding was beast, got alot better now adam. Mat
  6. TT/Youtube/Vimeo? cba downloading off that, computers dieing enough . Matx
  7. Mat Smith!

    Front Hub

    if the barings are full in the hub then they have died, you sure your wheels in dropouts properly? and fully tight? Matx
  8. Anyone wanna buy an 06 control? . parts are seriously stupid this year, why would u buy drilled bar ends if plastic ones are lighter + cheaper? Matx
  9. Siiickkk, was hoping for high bb hah. Matx
  10. Really good riding, is that a bionic? Keep it up. Matx
  11. think about when the lever is on your bars, how the hell are you gonna break that tpa? its just like a bodged 04 lever, except different. Mat
  12. Ahhhhaaa mint ross, nice one. Matx
  13. Thats the whole point of a watermark pretty much. Mat
  14. ROFL shut up, id like to see you comment on every photo in riding pictures because there not all up to scratch with joe maher or whoever takes photos as a 'day job'. Mat
  15. Dunt have any pedals. Mat
  16. Snowies plaz or zoo, unless u ride in the pissing down rain. Matx
  17. Looks well nice thaaaaaaatt. Matx
  18. Siiiickkk bled. get a magura though . like the colour of the rims also. Matx
  19. on the underside, its nothing to do with over tighening, its just because of the square cut were the piston goes in, i run my maguras loose so you can move them with your hands etc and still snapped 2-3. mine are cracked now btw but i have filed it away so its not a sharp corner. Matx
  20. it was a sidehop over a 45ish rail to a 9ft drop landing on stairs. id like to see most people piss over it like damon did. Matx
  21. Only for the sleeeeeeags. Matx
  22. Hes an aniiimmmaaaallllllllllllll. Matx
  23. Neil Tunnicliffe Adamant video clips insane!! like ud put that about ur own vid lol. clips are mint anyhow. Matx
  24. get 128 118 will only just clear ur magura/might rub. Matx
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