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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. ^ Good explaination You need to tell us how much you have to put towards the bike, and maybe consider going 2nd hand?? Mat
  2. .......Gay are you? He tightend it so much and it came loose after 5 mins of use, realy loose, we tightend it like 20 times in 10 mins :- And he was riding home and it just fell apart, think about it mate. Shut the hell up (Y)
  3. • For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat Just saves someone else saying it (Y) Mat
  4. Yes, into the Fonts folder in your Control Panel folder (Y)
  5. Da Font? 1001 Fonts? Cant think of any others right now, sorry Mat (Y)
  6. Blue, silver, black (Y) Mat
  7. There are some kind of Onza ones on Ebay if you look, there not foam's but they look top (Y) Edit : There best i can do buddy :P Mat
  8. Yeh, and i use the monty bar ends anyway :P Mat
  9. I have used Onza's standards, Yeti Lock ons, now im using Monty foams (Y)
  10. They come out this month i think, im getting one for chrimbo (Y) Mat
  11. www.imageshack.us :P Mat
  12. Sorry, but the 03 t-pro looks sick lol :P It’s so horrible, I have never ridden one but it looks Yuk, I really like the Koxx XTP as well, :P Mat
  13. It’s not a t-mag, its Ben Slingers new proto frame, looks really mint though :P Mat
  14. Its the 04 t-pro, its a t-pro... Lol I think it might be the 06 t-pro, it is silver with all the onza logo's and everything else I have just been out on it with him :P Mat
  15. ...That is what i said, the t-vee has a 20" wheel and the old 2002 t-pro might have a 20" wheel aswell, but the 05 t-pro takes a 19" wheel.. :turned:
  16. I don’t know anything about this frame or its geometry but the rear wheel may be a different size like the t-vee? Or something it has a 20" instead of 19" rear wheel? Correct me please lol :turned:
  17. Front fork? what about the back ones? (N) Erm...Black? again... Change the frame colour aswell and then make the forks the same lol (Y)
  18. Mod? Stock? Echo teams/easy's for Mods :$ Mat
  19. Lmao, funniest thing on here yet. Whats wrong with this 'Biff' guy? whats his problem with 'MrMonkey'?
  20. Thanks :$ I dont know why i am replying to this topic, i have nothing better to do :lol: Mat...
  21. Oi, I iz not n0win w4t u iz chattin' m4te, aiight? Lol, funny guy :$
  22. Lol... :lol: You cant sell stuff in this part of the forum, end of. And nobody is going to add you to msn if we dont even know the spec or have any pictures or anything man, plain simple (N)
  23. Yeh man, that Zip is looking pretty fine, nice and built up Good job, how does it ride? :bunny: Mat
  24. I have 23 and 28 there both amazing :bunny: Mat
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