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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. I've got footage from some natural comps, Addingham, Shipley glen etc. Just not of me lol, and it's all quite large sections, 2-3 mins etc, and I've got a fair bit of them. Mat
  2. I haven't seen a snapped one... Never riden one either. I don't really get the question, sounds weird but I just don't know what to say, lol. Oh btw... I DON'T is the answer. Mat
  3. Lol, I can hardly do a forward one. My fave' has to be the trackstand I like them all really, dunno' Mat
  4. I have 2, one is a cheap 40 pounds one, and the other about 60 I think, the cheaper ones are exactly the same as the others. The more expencive ones can record TV like on Sky + etc. What sort of info are you after? Mat
  5. You posted this is NMC aswell.. I think most people would of seen them. No need for posting them again. Alrite vids for the amount of time been riding. Mat
  6. Bleed Check all your crossover etc, and your pipes, lever for leakage Mat
  7. Hahaahah, made my night mate. Nice one Mat
  8. Don't be gay, lol. It's been posted before buddy, it's from 2005... Sooo last year. Looks nice, I've seen Ben on it at comps etc for a long time. Mat
  9. Guys, stop givin' Biff s**t, he has been on this forum for a fair while, prob's more than some of you. I don't know why it has sent you back to NMC but you seem a really sound guy. Hope it all works out mate I'm not havin' a go or 'owt. Just sayin' Mat
  10. I've gone over my download limit aparently lol, upload onto Tv.Sgi please? it's back up. Mat
  11. Booster, Pads, Grips Forks Rear Wheel/Front Wheel Bar & Stem Cranks / Pedals Mat
  12. Yea, I've got it now, thanks alot It's really strange LOL. There was a Flash game on Newgrounds somewhere, it was exactly like this lol. Awsome.. Mat
  13. Searched it in LW. Came up with some stuff, all the files are like 4MB, is that about the right size? or is it like a 300mb game kinda thing?.. Thanks Mat
  14. I THINK Heatsink do them, try to contact Ali C, or he might see this thread, I think he has the solution Just moved from Magura to Vee's.. Mat
  15. f**king pallets, give some to a nice West Yorkshire lad? Mat
  16. Honestly? I hate the look of it, but I'm sure it rides nice Never seen any pics of other peoples, just the one on Tarty and BikeDock. Mat
  17. How much you got? theres an XTP in FS/WTD for 500 I think it is, there worth like 1600 or something new, amazing bikes if you don't have to pay much for them, PM/E-Mail them or something. Mat
  18. He said he wanted short, Python is prob's the longest bike around... Go for a Monty or something. Depends what your budget is. Mat
  19. Sorry I haven't got any advice or anything, but Calebs sig. LMAO! Mat
  20. I have AdAware or whatever it's called and it comes up with no spyware for me, but I prob's do have some, I don't have any of the s**t on msn though like, Get FREE MSN Names And Icons from HERE!!!!, or any of that lol. But still, I don't lag, I just have a high ping. Mat
  21. My PC is pretty... Erm... Low spec? and I've got 2.3 mbps It's 1 of them PC's you just go to Pc world and pick a random one and it works. It's all good lol. None of this PC gaming stuff... Mat P.S, I'm normally running MSN & McAfee etc while playing aswell.
  22. Mat Smith!


    V!Z? You say you wan't the cheapest, but they probs would be heavey aswell... Or something like that. I have a pair of T-Pro forks with disk and four bolt Mat
  23. Yea, I was playing it last night, and it was really slow I found and my ping was like 300, it's like 70 on CS:S Anyway, it's a nice lil' game, would be a great mod if/when it comes out fully. Mat
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