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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. Yea, I've had it for a while, I've got to 22 before, without cheating and just clicking level 22 . Mat
  2. 'I'll give you a dead arm' LMAO!!! 'Ash' was in the wrong I think, it's his money, let him spend it on what he likes, even if he doesn't 'need' it. Mat
  3. He 'boat' it?? Oh dear, I love people like that soo much, pack of lie's. Mat
  4. Make a 2 bolt Rb, or something like that, would look cool. Mat
  5. My 19" Hog rim doesn't hold grinds at all. But my mates 19" Ronnie holds way more, but dent's... I've hardly dented my Hog yet Mat
  6. I had about 470 post's before I was validated, just make sure you post good posts, and don't brake any of the rules . Mat
  7. Deleted I think, was a pointless topic. Or maybe moved to Chit-Chat, check it. Mat
  8. I think you might need some pedals aswell. Good job. Mat
  9. For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat Sorry buddy.. Wait to get Validated. Mat
  10. Get some CLS vids and also Gaz M, he brings out vids now and then, just keep checking the sites, vids and pics section. No need for them to be the 'best' to get inspiration from them. Mat
  11. But YOUR GAY! Sorry, I have no info on the crank arms, but I'm sure Tarty would be able to sort you something out . Mat
  12. I really look forward to these vids Gaz, it's just downloading now Edit when it's finished man. EDIT : Really enjoyed it, was nice and relaxed natural riding, your riding has gotten' really really good over each video, keep it up. Loved the editing and music went well with the riding btw. Mat
  13. Alright Waynio, have you got any directions to this place? I've never been before, and WILL get lost I'll be on the T-Mag (Mat), I can't be botherd to read through these pages to find out if it has been posted yet, but whatever.. Lol Mat
  14. Quote from Tarty Page.. Read it?? Mat
  15. Same BKG as Trials-Forum? or nearly the same? Nice site anyway. Mat
  16. They have bash RINGS.. So how can you tell they were meaning bash plates, by them saying 'Bash?' Mat
  17. Yea Ali, it feels really really nice, but I can't ride stock for sh*t lol, the wheels... I'm just not used to them. Hehe. Looks really nice though, most of the 06 echo parts look pink, but the bike. Oh dear, it's a beaut. Btw, I ride a shaft 05 T-Mag SHOCKING pic lol... 05 T-Mag Rb booster(not pictured) Hope mini 185 Monty bar & stem Echo easys 04 Magura (not pictured, 05 pictured) MAYBE King BMX and Monty cranks and usual sh*t really.. lol Mat
  18. Noicicle Boicycle! what rear hub are you runnin' there? King? How does it ride? not really a fan of the CLS stickers, but, whatever floats your boat mate. Mat
  19. What you on about?!?! your not the king!! Lol, it was funny. I laughed abit, but I wanted to see you make it. Mat
  20. Oh man, Luke, that is f**king gay!, I'll check around Ebay etc, hope you get it back soon man Mat
  21. The T-Vee has a 20" on the front and the back, and the like 2001 T-Bird has 20" I THINK, check the Onza website man. Mat
  22. Catch him on MSN, he is always on, and he will probs' see this thread. I'll tell him about it.. Mat
  23. I've done it before with ringtones and images. Mat
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