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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. I put 55-60, just because i love my gu. But 30-40 is good aswell. Matx
  2. go on goth liddd. Damon started the craze, everyone will have checkerd shirts next, u watch. Matx
  3. lol this is were i get warned for starting an argument from another TGS BASSSHH00rr or something. and no i didnt know that lmao is not an alternative for full stops or capital letters, thanks alot for telling me. Mat
  4. mint riding abdab, should get a ride goin again soon. Mat
  5. IMO give more hold and less bite like a vee, i find brakes better without boosters. Mat
  6. Lmao at the music, and only cool people chuck there bike , and you complain about it being f**ked. Mat
  7. I'll probs be there, bike/weather/money depending, drag a couple of others out too. Mat
  8. What pads u running on the front, they any good? Mat
  9. Theres a picture of it somewere in trials chat aswell, looks good but aparently doesnt make much of a difference. Matx
  10. im pissing, seriously. i must be 12. Mat
  11. im pretty sure its got oil in it or something, that might be white spirit, but as long as u was ur rim after getting the tar off with fairy liquid and hot water itll be fine, make sure theres no suds though, then sand your pads a little and re bleed your brake, make sure its set up square. Mat
  12. I've sin it, wasnt too impressed really, its just like borat to be honest, but meh. Mat
  13. when did i say he can do 70? just because he can acctually do 53 from 2 to back first time, and your what.... jealous? same. Mat
  14. damon cant sidehop 55 inch? lmao he got 53 from 2 wheels static to back..... mate. official records are wank if they think the sidehops records 55. Mat
  15. lmao at 55, damon can get that from 2 its like 60 or something. Mat
  16. Siiiiiiickkkk danny, looks beats now, hes an animallll.. such a big boy now :$ lmao. see you soon mate. Mat xxx
  17. Vee brakes are amazing, espesh ali c's, just hasnt got enough bite for my liking, front ones are beast though with the right pads. Mat
  18. Kin ell damon, ride today was beast, mint clips, gettin f**king wayy better all the time. ride soon iiiiiiii. Matx
  19. You can slide the adaptors up and down? move the pads up and down? Mat
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